Exhibit 1.0c Photo Gallery Plugin
My Exhibit photo gallery plugin for WordPress has reached version 1.0c!
New features:- Image upload
- Directory creation
- Paginated thumbnails
- Add single images
- Resample uploaded full-sized images
It retains features of the prior versions, including:
- Automatic thumbnail creation
- Popup full-sized images
- Per-post override display settings
- Other good stuff
I noticed that when I create sub-directories and upload images via the Exhibit interface, the uploaded files cannot be deleted. Even if I access the folders via an FTP program, I cannot delete the images. Is it because Exhibit puts special permissions on these folders?
valiot, this is because the owner of the files is not set to you and permissions are by default 755 or something like that which means you only get a “5” I’ve posted one solution above (see umask). to remove the folders you have now, you have to contact your host who has root access and can delete them.
thanks Anonymous,
another question. at the first posting site is displayed the small thumb gallery. at the comment site is displayed a thumb gallery which is a bit bigger. how can i disable this gallery or how can i show the small one from the posting site?
what the way for the user to come from the comment site back to the posting site? there is no back button or something else.
thanks a lot
frankOn the subject of deletion problems, this is caused by the folder and file having been uploaded or created by a php file the owner therefore being most likely ‘nobody’. I am no expert with this but I think I can suggest solutions other than going to your host (who will not be impressed at being asked to delete files for you).
First if you can find the first directory above the one you want to delete files in that belongs to you (as opposed to nobody), you chmod it 777 and keep going down until you reach the folder the file is in. You should then be able to delete the file. Then go back and reset all the folders back to what they were before.
The second way is write a new php file (from another php file) that contains the code to do the delete.
Andrewandrew, I tried a couple of dats what you suggested about deleting but at least that didn’t work for me. I had to ask my host about deleting those folders plus modify exhibit to give me enough permissions in the future
Regarding Exhibit release 1.1:
This is not available just yet, but I thought I would give you an idea of what’s been done already.
Code had started to get a little unmanageable, so I split things into a few different files. For the new system to work, you upload one file into the plugin folder, and one folder of supplementary files into the plugin folder (the exhibitimg directory now contains some extra php files).
I changed the implementation of the plugin hook so that you don’t need to modify WordPress any more. Those who have already made this change should not see any apparent difference.
1.1 includes file/directory deletion, limited to users with upload-level permissions.
When you add single files to a post in 1.1, it just adds them and they appear in the thumbnail list. You need not re-save the post. I’m considering this feature for adding whole directories as well.
You should be able to access all WP user info from within any Exhibit code in 1.1, which should allow you to create user directories for image uploads. I may yet write this feature in myself.
You can change what items appear in the Exhibit editor dropdown in the config file, so you won’t have extra options in the list for features that you have enabled by default.
You can change the config file used for a single post with one Exhibit comment directive:
< !--exhibit:config=some_file.cfg-->
This will let you easily set a rack worth of config options all at once for just one post. Very handy. I may include a couple extra config files just so you can try it out.
I fixed the bug regarding removing all preview images.
I fixed the Exhibit stylesheet so that the thumbnail images no longer go under the sidebar in IE. (HA! Take that, blasted CSS/IE…)
I have written an installation readme for all the confused folks.
Now… If someone can iron out what needs to be done permission-wise (or will the delete feature obviate this?) with the creation stuff, I will gladly include it. But it’s looking like some people are having a much harder time than others and there has been no definitive solution yet.Different goofiness. The thumb displays just fine, but clicking on the thumb in the entry pops open a new window (as directed by the script) to display the photo. The caption at
displays just fine in the newly opened window, just no picture.
Both images and t directories set to 775.
Here’s what I see when I open the activity window.
https://www.webslog.com/images//site.jpg forbiddensounds like the new version will be even more awesome
1) my thoughts about the permission stuff:
deletion from inside wordpress/exhibit could be enough, that depends on how much time you want to spend on the code of course. BUT I think it would be good if a user could not only set chmod for t-folders (like now, in the config file) but ALSO for other created subfolders with exibit. do you see what I mean, ringmaster? just wanna be sure we’re understanding each other here ?? because that chmod-stuff in the config file is working fine with the t-folders.
2) my question about not being able to modify captions/previews when editing a post, is that fixed in the new version? you said something about a preview bug that’s been fixed, is this what you meant?
thank you so much for the plugin, you’re doing a fantastic job here.I don’t think I have GD (is the right?) on my server. Can I still use this?
I can’t wait for the new version!
I still have the following main requests based on your latest update on the new features:
1) It would be great to have subdirectories automatically created based on the author name.
2) level 10 admin should have the ability (from within Exhibit) to delete other’s directories and images. Of course author’s can delete their own images and directories.
3) Each Author should only “see” their own directory and cannot use other author’s images or navigate into other’s directories. They should live within their directory space. All these directories can be subs of the main image folder.
4) Have the ability to default the preview checkboxes to always on. Configurable?
5) I would like to seperate the level requirements for the default WP upload and the exhibit upload. Is it possible to have a level assigned in the config file for the minimum level required to upload images in exhibit?For some reason, every time I try to post an response on this thread, the wordpress site goes dead. I’ll try again:
It looks like you solved your problem. You should consider adding some CSS to remove the little link images from some of your links, though, like the Exhibit images and your calendar.
If it is the case that your whole permissions problem is predicated on the bug (missing funtionality) in Exhibit that does not set permissions on created directories, then you need to look for the mkdir function in the Exhibit source and add the lines after it that set the chmod permissions. They’re missing. This is fixed in 1.1.
If you don’t have GD, Exhibit can’t make thumbnails for you. But it you make thumbnails for your images in a subdirectory named ‘t’ with the same names as your original images, Exhibit will recognize them and use them. So, yes, you can use this, just with a little more work – work you would do anyway if you want thumbnails on your site.
Are you using some other tool to make thumbnails? I have heard whispers of ImageMagick, but it’s not as easy to implement in PHP as it seems.
Options 2 & 3 are complete in 1.1. Option 1 is in the works.
Option 4 should be easy enough to do.
Option 5 is a little more difficult, but makes sense for what you’re tyring to accomplish (you don’t want user uploading to the root image directory, but uploading to their assigned user directory is fine).Thanks for the response ringmaster. Stupid me, the permissions on the image in question weren’t set right. Dooh. Love the plugin, it’s working great. Messing with the CSS to alter the link images. Spoecifically, the links in the calendar are throwing the layout off.
can anyone shed any light on my thumbnail problem? i have a directory with around 40 images. when i asked it to make thumbs it only made a dozen or so. tried again and it made a couple more. now it won’t make any more – the file list on the right just goes blank, no errors in the server logs. i tried putting the remaining images in a new folder but it wouldn’t make thumbs there either.
i’m confused.
bobsounds good that’s fixed in the new ver. , ringmaster. I am still wondering about editing the caption after the post has been saved…
@wayward bob:
Sounds like PHP might be timing out before it finishes making all of your thumbnails. If it starts over each time, it might behave exactly as you describe. Either that or a filename in that directory is causing problems for the script.
My suggestion, just to try: split those images into a couple different directories, and add the directories separately.
This problem shouldn’t exist in 1.1 because it builds thumbnails in a different way, and you can create thumbnails individually, too.
I don’t want to say to you “works for me”, but it does. Perhaps are there odd characters in your captions? Try deleting anything “odd” like punctuation or symbols.
I’m at a loss as to what could cause this. Maybe if you sent a snapshot of your exhibit table? (ringmaster [at] midnightcircus [dot] com) Send a warning email first so I can add you to my spam whitelist, otherwise your attachment will be deleted and your email incinerated. ??
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