Hi @otso!
This is Joseph from Imagify, and I’ll gladly assist you here!
There is no way to exclude specific images from the Bulk Optimizer, but you do have a couple of options to get the same result.
1) As long as you have the “Backup original images” option enabled, then you can run the Bulk Optimizer to optimize all your images, then you can go to Media Library (List view), find the images you want to remain unoptimized, and click “Restore original” for those. This action can also be done on multiple images by checking the boxes next to the target images and applying the “Restore original” bulk action.
2) You could also optimize your images in large groups in your Media Library (list view) instead by checking the boxes next to the images you want to optimize (while leaving the images you don’t want to optimize unchecked) and then applying the “Optimize” bulk action.
Hope this makes sense to you and I hope one of these options will be suitable for you. Please let me know if you have any further questions on this and I’ll be more than happy to assist!
Best regards,