Just to be extra sure, you also added this snippet of code below to your active theme or custom plugin to make sure these items don’t get indexed going further, correct?
Also, did you make sure to visit the “Autocomplete” section of the settings, at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=algolia (add your own domain to this), and use the re-index buttons there for the individual content types? Autocomplete is stored in different indexes than the “Search page” re-index button.
// functions.php
function wds_algolia_exclude_post( $should_index, WP_Post $post ) {
// If a page has been marked not searchable
// by some other means, don't index the post.
if ( false === $should_index ) {
return false;
// ACF Field.
// Check if a page is searchable.
$excluded = get_field( 'exclude_from_search', $post->ID );
// If not, don't index the post.
if ( 1 === $excluded ) {
return false;
// If all else fails, index the post.
return true;
add_filter( 'algolia_should_index_searchable_post', 'wds_algolia_exclude_post', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'algolia_should_index_post', 'wds_algolia_exclude_post', 10, 2 );