Timed Content itself can not exclude any content from caches, as there is no generic method to tell caching plugins not to cache anything.
About a cron job: well – it depends on your caching system how to do this, I can’t help you here either.
Usually caching is not really needed if you don’t have a very complex site on a quite slow server. For example see my own site https://arnowelzel.de – this runs with no cache at all and still loads in about only 1 second from clients in Europe and still in less than 3 seconds from US (according to https://tools.pingdom.com). Even large gallery pages like https://arnowelzel.de/england-2017 are still quite fast with less than 2 seconds load time from Europe.
The server (which also hosts about 40 other domains) runs PHP-FPM with “static” configuration and 20 processes for each website and has 24 GB of RAM available. So if your site is slow you may need a better hosting as well.
My recommendation:
If you really need caching to avoid a lot of load to your server use a CDN like Cloudflare. CDNs usually also allow to update the cache automatically every day or every couple of hours – for example: https://blog.cloudflare.com/edge-cache-expire-ttl-easiest-way-to-override/#:~:text=CloudFlare%20offers%20a%20range%20of,Business%2030%20minutes
Another solution might by be Cachify:
This will create static versions of every page from your site and is very fast in “Hard disk” cache mode since WordPress will not be involved at all when sending the cached pages. To keep the cache “fresh” you need to create a cron job which will remove the cache files regularly – this is not included with that plugin, but it should not be too hard to create that since Cachify just writes files to a local folder if needed. You can just empty that folder to get a fresh cache.