Hi theorian82,
Follow these steps for add class to prevent page transitions when clicking on specific links :-
Step 1: First open your plugin directory.
Step 2: Here you will see a file page-animations-and-transitions.php , open this file into any editor.
Step 3: Find below script at near line no. 126:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
inClass : '<?php echo $weblizar_page_in_trans ?>',
outClass : '<?php echo $weblizar_page_out_trans ?>',
inDuration : <?php echo $weblizar_page_in_durations ?>,
outDuration : <?php echo $weblizar_page_out_durations ?>,
linkElement : 'a:not([target="_blank"]):not([href^=#]):not([href*=".gif"]):not([href*=".mov"]):not([href*=".swf"]):not([href*=".jpg"]):not([href*=".jpeg"]):not([href*=".png"])',
touchSupport : true,
loading : true,
loadingParentElement : 'body', //animsition wrapper element
loadingClass : 'animsition-loading',
unSupportCss : [ 'animation-duration',
Step 4: Replace above script with below code
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
inClass : '<?php echo $weblizar_page_in_trans ?>',
outClass : '<?php echo $weblizar_page_out_trans ?>',
inDuration : <?php echo $weblizar_page_in_durations ?>,
outDuration : <?php echo $weblizar_page_out_durations ?>,
linkElement : 'a:not([target="_blank"]):not([href^=#]):not([href*=".gif"]):not([href*=".mov"]):not([href*=".swf"]):not([href*=".jpg"]):not([href*=".jpeg"]):not([href*=".png"]):not([class="no-transition"])',
touchSupport : true,
loading : true,
loadingParentElement : 'body', //animsition wrapper element
loadingClass : 'animsition-loading',
unSupportCss : [ 'animation-duration',
Finally save file.
Now use class=”no-transition” for specific link to prevent page transitions when clicking on it.