• Resolved most-media


    Hey there,

    I try to exclude some inline js but I seems I simply can’t understand your description:

    if you want to exclude inline code, you’ll have to find a specific, unique string in that block of code and add that to the exclusion list. Example: to exclude “funky_data=’Won\’t you take me to, Funky Town'”, the identifier is “funky_data”.

    What do I have to put in the advanced setting text-field? Just the identiefier – Which would mean to save this certain string in the codeblock? Or do I paste: to exclude “funky_data=’any unique string from codeblock'”



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    just the identifier indeed (which would be “funky_data” in this example).

    if still unsure, copy/paste your inline JS and I’ll assist.

    kind regards,

    Thread Starter most-media


    Thanks a lot, I appreciate your help ??

    Ok so I’m using Theme Jupiter (https://jo-schi-sporthaus.at/) and I have some custom JS which should be excluded to render the site correctly:

    var para = document.createElement("div");
    para.setAttribute("id", "joschiwelt");
    var element = document.getElementById("mk-boxed-layout");
    var child = document.getElementById("mk-theme-container");
      var myhtml = '<div class="content-column one_sixth hovering joschi"><div class="domain"><a href="https://www.jo-schi.at/" title="Zur Startseite">jo-schi.at</a></div></div><div class="content-column one_sixth hovering aktiv sporthaus"><div class="domain"><a href="https://jo-schi-sporthaus.at/" title="Zur Startseite">jo-schi-sporthaus.at</a></div></div><div class="content-column one_sixth hovering almgasthof"><div class="domain"><a href="https://almgasthof-hochkar.at/" title="Zur Startseite">almgasthof-hochkar.at</a></div></div><div class="content-column one_sixth hovering genuss"><div class="domain"><a href="https://jo-schi-genuss.at/" title="Zur Startseite">jo-schi-genuss.at</a></div></div><div class="content-column one_sixth hovering snowsports"><div class="domain"><a href="https://www.jo-schi-snowsports.at/" title="Zur Startseite">jo-schi-snowsports.at</a></div></div><div class="content-column one_sixth last_column sprache"><div class="domain" id="sprache"><span class="eins"></span> <span class="zwei"></span></div></div><div class="clear_column"></div>'
    $("#mk-header:last").after('<div class="my-header-toolbar"><div class="mk-grid header-grid"><span class="header-toolbar-contact"><i class="mk-moon-phone-3"></i>+43 7484 7213</span><span class="header-toolbar-contact"><i class="mk-moon-envelop"></i><a href="mailto:[email protected]"> [email protected]</a></span><span class="header-toolbar-contact"><a href="https://de-de.facebook.com/joschi.hochkar" title="JoSchi auf Facebook"><i class="mk-moon-facebook-2"></i></a></span><span class="header-toolbar-contact"><i class="mk-icon-map-marker"></i><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/dir//JoSchi+Sporthaus+Hochkar,+Lassing+51,+3345+G%C3%B6stling+an+der+Ybbs,+%C3%96sterreich/@47.7206518,14.8879503,13z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x4771f534b772a06b:0xf9773a14e8e9322e!2m2!1d14.917392!2d47.719171">Anfahrt</a></span><span class="header-toolbar-contact"><i class="mk-li-star"></i><a href="https://jo-schi-sporthaus.at/zimmer-preise/#jetztbewerten">Bewertungen</a></span></div><div class="clearboth"></div></div>');
    $(".hideme .lang_sel_other")
        .appendTo("#sprache .eins");
    $(".hideme .lang_sel_sel")
        .appendTo("#sprache .zwei");
    $( "div" ).remove( ".hideme" );
        .appendTo(".bewertungen .content-box-content");
        .appendTo(".bewertungen .content-box-content");
        .appendTo(".my-header-toolbar .mk-grid.header-grid");
        .appendTo(".bewerten .content-box-content");
      $('.comment-author a').attr('target', '_blank');
    $('.comment-author a').attr('title', 'Zur Webseite des Verfassers');
    $('form#b_availFrm').attr('target', '_blank');
    $( "section" ).remove( "#mk-page-introduce" );
    $(".mk-blog-meta time a").contents().unwrap();
    $('.bewerten').attr( 'id', 'jetztbewerten' );
    $( ".bird" ).attr('id', 'bird');
    $('p').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        if($this.html().replace(/s|?/g, '').length == 0)
    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    I would use “joschiwelt” (without the quotes) on condition that string isn’t used in other inline JS or in paths to non-inline JS. Another candidate could be “mk-boxed-layout”.

    Alternatively you could wrap the JS in noptimize-tags, cfr. the FAQ for more info on that.

    Do take into account it might be necessary to also exclude jquery (or to “force JS into head”, as your inline code relies on that.

    hope this helps,

    Thread Starter most-media


    Thank you very much. Finally I ended up in just ticking both of the options regarding to the scripts in the <head>.

    Great Plugin to increase the Performance Grade!

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