• Hi,

    We were happy with breeze setup when we migrated from siteground to cloudways but we have disabled it because we have a great issue there that we cannot exclude a main PHPSESSID.

    In the next version exclude: PHPSESSID by default or give us a way to exclude as there is an option to exclude it from varnish.

    Or even technical steps we can go through in plugin files to exclude that specific cookie from being cahced.

    Stay Safe for you & your family

    Best Regards

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  • Plugin Author adeelkhan


    you may exclude several URLs and cookies in varnish based on your requirement.
    Under the section of How to Exclude URL and Cookies in Varnish

    Please have a look

    Thread Starter magedmoh94


    Hello adeelkhan,

    Yes but we need to exclude that specific cookie from breeze cache not from varnish .. we already excluded it from varnish but we cannot exclude it from breeze .. breeze supports only url exclusion.

    So can by default exclude that PHPSESSID by default in the next update ?

    Or atleast tell us how can we add it to the plugin files code to exclude that specific cookie ” PHPSESSID ” beside the other cookies you already excluded for woocommerce by default for example.

    Stay Safe

    Best regards

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