@petraagency Thats not currently possible.
It might be feasible by modifying the where clause in the next and previous posts.
This code is untested!
add_filter( 'get_previous_post_where', 'wppnav_exclude_posts' );
add_filter( 'get_next_post_where', 'wppnav_exclude_posts' );
function wppnav_exclude_posts( $where ) {
return $where . ' AND p.ID NOT IN (1433, 1344)';
1433 and 1344 are post ids so you need to alter these to suit the page ids youre excluding.
Also, as its untested, im not sure what effect this would have on the current where clause I use for excluding out of stock products with the WooCommerce option so you might want to wrap that filter inside a conditional that only runs on pages.