Hi, this is not possible with the free version but is planned for the upcoming Pro version.
However, you could use the below code snippet to achieve at least the Posts exclusion part. The code snippets can be added either to your custom/child theme’s functions.php or using a “Code Snippets” plugin (there are several plugins available on wp.org) …
// Exclude posts that belong to category by ID.
function my_custom_exclusion( $exclude, $post_id ) {
// Change this to match your category ID number.
$cat_id = 123;
if ( in_array( $cat_id, (array) wp_get_post_categories( $post_id ) ) {
return true;
// Return original status.
return $exclude;
add_filter( 'xmlsf_excluded', 'my_custom_exclusion', 10, 2 );
Excluding a particular taxonomy term is not possible yet. Your only option is to disable the complete Category taxonomy or all taxonomy sitemaps.