Excessive Database Queries and Export Functionality Failure
I am experiencing issues with the plugin in a WordPress multisite environment. Below are the details of the problem.
1. Excessive Database Queries
Every time the plugin was network activated, it flooded the MySQL database server with the same query, which it repeatedly sent non-stop, even if no migration was in progress. Query Example:
= 'a:12:{s:21:\"id_slug_type_path_map\";a:2:{i:10340;a:3:{s:4:\"slug\";s:10:\"tablepress\";s:4:\"type\";s:6:\"plugin\";s:4:\"path\";s:25:\"tablepress/tablepress.php\";}i:3826;a:3:{s:4:\"slug\";s:11:\"prime-mover\";s:4:\"type\";s:6:\"plugin\";s:4:\"path\";s:27:\"prime-mover/prime-mover.php\";}}s:11:\"plugin_data\"; ...The query is extremely long (90,000 characters) and identical each time. This behavior continued as long as the plugin was active, causing a significant negative impact on the MySQL database server.
Attempted Solution
To resolve the issue, I updated the plugin from version 1.9.9 to 2.0.3, but unfortunately, the problem persists. As soon as I network activate the plugin, the same query is sent repeatedly to the database. Due to this issue, I only activate the plugin when it is needed, as the constant database activity degrades server performance.
2. Export Functionality Broken in Version 2.0.3
After upgrading to version 2.0.3, the export functionality no longer works. When attempting to export, the progress stays at 0% in the network admin dashboard. The following two log entries repeat endlessly during the alleged migration process:
2025-01-27 16:33:07 => Logged export event for blog ID 57873 from Codexonics\PrimeMoverFramework\classes\PrimeMoverValidationHandlers::validateInputParameters method: common_progress_processor: Validation success 2025-01-27 16:33:07 => Logged common event for blog ID 57873 from Codexonics\PrimeMoverFramework\utilities\PrimeMoverComponentAuxiliary::restoreExcludedOptions method: DB LOCK: Not being able to move setting prime_mover_excluded_settings_db_57873 from user meta to options in prime_mover_shutdown_actions hook using user ID: 91722 because the value is not an array or empty.
These repeating log entries suggest that the migration process cannot proceed due to a database lock or a misconfiguration of the excluded settings.
3. Request for Support
I would like to know what the purpose of the query is and what could be the reason for sending it over and over.
Could the export issue I’m seeing be related to the queries?
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