• Ok, I’ve looked everywhere for an answer to this question so if I’m creating a duplicate thread please don’t flame me. I already use excerpts for the thumbnail gallery on my photoblog but I want to know if there’s a way to pull out the most recent two excerpts (from the last two posts) and display them in the sidebar? They would also need to be clickable, taking visitors to the post associated with that excerpt.

    Thanks for your help. ??

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  • Couldn’t you just make another loop in the sidebar, and tell it to get the_exerpt instead of the_content?

    makes sense to me

    Thread Starter orchidred


    I thought of that but wouldn’t it call all the excerpts the way it does in the archives? Im not sure how to limit it to one or two thumbnails.

    Just use query_posts() to initialize The Loop you set up in your sidebar with something like this:

    <?php query_posts('showposts=2'); ?>

    yes, a perfect way to tell the second loop how many to show.

    OrchidRed: if you look at the loop, you’ll see a call to the content
    get the_content
    this posts the whole thing, images and all

    you can change this to anything you like (of the available options)

    lots more in the section on the loop

    Thread Starter orchidred


    Kafkaesqui, but wouldnt calling query_posts put the larger main post image in the sidebar instead of the excerpt thumbnails?

    Also, how do I make it so the excerpts are offset by one?

    Thank you for your help, I’m reading through the codex on the loop.

    Thread Starter orchidred


    I tried using this in the sidebar.inc but I got an error message when I tried to load the site:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(‘showposts=2’); ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    showposts is not a parameter of the_excerpt(), but of query_posts(). Something like this will do what you’re after:

    <?php query_posts('showposts=2'); ?>
    <?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    If you need to offset the posts, instead of query_posts() try using get_posts(), which offers an offset parameter:


    Thread Starter orchidred


    Ok, I tried that, but inserting:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
    <?php query_posts(‘showposts=2’); ?>
    <?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    into side.inc broke the main post area. So I ended up with two thumbnails in the sidebar and a “sorry, no posts matched your criteria” in the main image section.

    I’m probably doing something wrong, sorry about that. I’m not good with PHP. Thank you for your help though, I really appreciate it.

    No, apparently in the case of your setup the query_post initialization is carrying over into the main loop. This can be bypassed by setting a new post query class, like so:

    $thumbs = new WP_Query("showposts=2");
    while($thumbs->have_posts()) : $thumbs->the_post(); ?>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    A little more complicated, by produces a whole new post object for your custom loop to work on without whacking the main one.

    Note the if (have_posts()) you keep sticking in for some reason is not really necessary–we know we’ll have the posts, so there’s no need to test on them.

    Very handsome second loop, nice one Kafkaesqui!

    One problem you may also encounter, now that the second loop is nicely sorted out, is that if by ‘thumbnails’ you mean images, using the_excerpt will not allow images to appear as far as I know. That could be a problem.

    While i imagine it’s possible to tell this loop to max width the images in the_content, you might be better off creating thumbnails and using matt’s asides for a thumbnail category, and use this sidebar loop to present them. not really an easy, or handsome solution though…

    using the_excerpt will not allow images to appear as far as I know.

    Images placed in the excerpt field will be displayed by the_excerpt(). Only when it has to excerpt the post content does WordPress parse out HTML tags.

    Thread Starter orchidred


    Kafkaesqui that worked, thanks! The only thing I’m not sure about is how to use get_posts to offset the thumbnails since there is a new thumb class?

    Also, how can I get the thumbnails to change when people click on the images? So, for example, when they click on the main image 1 and see image 2 they see thumbnails for 3 and 4 on the sidebar?

    Thank you so much, I’m in awe of how much you and dss know about php.


    So create a thumbnail, or if your process automatically creates them, add that to the excerpt portion of the post, and Huzzah!

    WordPress is so wonderful!

    The only thing I’m not sure about is how to use get_posts to offset the thumbnails since there is a new thumb class?

    It’s important to know that query_posts() and get_posts() handle things quite differently. There’s no functionality in query_posts (i.e. the standard $posts object) for handling an offset; but as get_posts() just generates its own SQL query to call up the posts, it can be passed one. So the following duplicates the above code, but uses get_posts() while offsetting posts displayed by 1:

    $thumbs = get_posts("numberposts=2&offset=1");
    foreach($thumbs as $post) :
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    Also, how can I get the thumbnails to change when people click on the images?

    I take this to mean you wish to display the excerpt/link of the previous two posts relative to the current post displayed?

    This demands a slightly more complicated solution then playing around with custom loops. The reason is the $post object only knows about itself. There’s nothing hanging about telling it (and so us) about previous or later posts, and in regards to memory overhead in most cases you don’t want it. However, it also means there’s nothing telling what a correct offset would be. Is post #10 the latest (and so you only need to offset by 1), or are there 30 more which come after it?

    So I think what’s needed is a abbreviated, custom blend of get_posts() and previous_post(). Trust me, it won’t be too difficult. ??

    $numposts = 2;

    global $wp_query, $wpdb;
    $post_date = $wp_query->post->post_date;
    $thumbs = @$wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_excerpt, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date < '$post_date' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $numposts");
    foreach($thumbs as $thumb) :
    <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($thumb->ID); ?>" title="<?php echo $thumb->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $thumb->post_excerpt; ?></a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    Description: This replaces any of the custom loops from above in your sidebar. You can change the value for the $numposts variable, set to 2 here (for number of posts to query). Globals and $post_date stuff merely collects the date of the current post (or most recent in the case of multiple posts on home or archive pages), which is used for a SQL query to call ID, title and excerpt of [$numposts] previous posts to display as links.

    Thread Starter orchidred


    OMG Kafkaesqui you are a G E N I U S! That did it! Wow! I am in awe of your awesome PHP powers. ??

    Thank you ??

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