Hi @panteror,
You have a number of options.
1st, don’t forget about the read more link. I doubt that’s exactly what you’re going for, but it may be helpful and it’s off by default.
2nd, the fpw_excerpt
filter allows you to write replace or modify the excerpt. I haven’t tested this, but this might work for you:
function fpw_link_the_excerpt( $excerpt) {
$new_excerpt = '<a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '">';
$new_excerpt .= $excerpt;
$new_excerpt .= '</a>';
return $excerpt;
Test and use at your own risk ??
Finally, you might consider creating a new template or modifying an existing one. If you really want the excerpt linked, you might modify a template so the entire widget is just wrapped in a single link.
Good luck!