• Having WP 3.2.1 + E-Commerce Plugin 3.8.6 + Latest WordPress Magazine Basic Theme. I have an excerpt enabled in theme settings. The problem is that when choosing a category using e-commerce plugin there is a list, with excerpt descriptions of the products, but before the description text there are also all categories and the same product titles written.

    Smth like <div id=”post-id” class=”post-id wpsc-product type-wpsc-product status-publish hentry”>
    <h2>Product Title</h2>
    <div class=”meta”></div><div class=”entry”><img width=”150″ height=”119″ src=”…” /><p class=”excerpt”>Category #1 Category#2 Product title Product description</p><p>Continue reading ?</p></div> </div><!– #post-## –>

    Help plz, I can’t find the code where to fix this…

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