• Resolved Dan Butcher


    On archive pages, the excerpt automatically displays with […] at the end, but I can’t find where that is configured.

    My ideal situation would be to configure the archive excerpts so that either the […] links to the permanent post, or I can replace […] with something like “read the complete post”–much like what happens when a “more” link is inserted into a post and it appears on the index page.


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  • To modify that you would have to edit core files which is not a good thing. Better try this plugin:

    Thread Starter Dan Butcher



    Thanks for the information. I looked at the plugin but decided it was going to do what I could accomplish with existing tools. This is what I did:
    1) I realized that if I created my own excerpt, the […] no longer appeared, so that eliminated one of my problems.
    2) In playing around the with the excerpts, I determined that ending the excerpt in the middle of a phrase makes it more obvious that it’s an incomplete post, and I also added … so that it was clear that there was more to read.
    2) In archive.php, I added this code to beginning of the postmetadata display (the php and link I simply copied from what surrounds the post title):
    <p class="postmetadata">" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>">read the entire post » | Posted in ...
    This puts the link right before the categories; this way, the read more link doesn’t add another line to the entry.

    Thread Starter Dan Butcher


    One more note: creating my own excerpts means that my excerpts can be formatted; the default excerpt strips all code, and so linebreaks and other formatting is lost. This means the excerpts look better too.

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