I was able to fix this in BusinessHours.class.php
Line 50 – public function shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
Update this code to for the whole function and it should work for the shortcode
public function shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
$closed_text = business_hours()->settings()->get_default_closed_text();
extract( shortcode_atts( array( ‘closed’ => $closed_text ), $atts ) );
if ( empty( $content ) )
return $content;
$day = $this->get_day_using_timezone();
$id = key( $day );
$open = esc_html( business_hours()->settings()->get_open_hour( $id ) );
$close = esc_html( business_hours()->settings()->get_close_hour( $id ) );
$is_open_today = business_hours()->settings()->is_open( $id );
$exceptions = BusinessHoursExceptions::instance()->get_exceptions_for_day_id( $id );
if ( !empty( $exceptions ) ) {
$open = $exceptions[‘open’];
$close = $exceptions[‘close’];
$is_open_today = !empty( $open ) && !empty( $close );
$name = BusinessHoursExceptions::instance()->get_localized_date_for_day_id( $id );
if ( $is_open_today ) {
$content = str_replace( “{{TodayOpen}}”, $open, $content );
$content = str_replace( “{{TodayClose}}”, $close, $content );
} else {
$content = $closed;
return $content;