• Resolved iantochi


    Hi, is it possible to create an exception just for one product? I need to use this plugin to hide all the prices for peoples that are not conected but for one product I need to block the plugin. This way, anyone can see the price and buy this product. Thank you

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  • Plugin Author WebWizards


    Hi there,

    This is possible with the Pro version of this plugin (https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com) To do this, you would need to hide prices through dynamic rules.

    You would go to B2BKing -> Dynamic Rules and create a ‘Hidden Price’ rule.

    In the ‘Applies To’ section of the rule, you can search for ‘All products except’ (this option is a bit hidden by default). You can use this to hide prices for all products except the ones you select.

    Thread Starter iantochi


    How can I avoid to change the total and subtotal? I am using B2B only to hide the prices for B2C users but I can see that it is changing also the cart. Actually I have another plugin that need to use the woocomerce cart and it is a conflict between them

    Plugin Author WebWizards


    I don’t know if I fully understand what you mean by this: “but I can see that it is changing also the cart”

    If you create a ‘hidden price’ rule for a product, that should not affect totals and subtotals in your cart. But it would mean that the products you hide cannot be purchased and cannot be added to cart. But other products should work normally.

    If it is a conflict with another plugin, we can look at it and advise on what might be done – but since I understand that’s for the Pro plugin, it’s best if you can open a ticket with us here: https://webwizards.ticksy.com

    Thread Starter iantochi


    I have made a screenshot https://prnt.sc/ulrBj2m94jfv , it is easier to explain. This is the cart, the first product it is a product made with 3Dprint plugin, the second one is a normal product. In the subtotal at the right side it is only the price for the second one not both. That meant that B2B works with normal products but not with this plugin. If I disable B2B everything works fine, only that I can not do that because I need to hide the prices. I hope is more clearly now.

    Plugin Author WebWizards


    That could be a conflict with B2BKing’s feature that sets group prices and tiered prices.

    Is that something that you need? If not, you can disable it by going to B2BKing -> Settings -> Other -> Advanced and activating this switch: https://prnt.sc/Vws2YNG9hkpI

    It would help if you can also share some screenshots of your settings in B2BKing -> Settings -> Main Settings + Access Restriction panels, + also some screenshots of what dynamic rules you have if any,

    Thread Starter iantochi


    Unfortunately not working. Here are the screenshots that you asked for:

    Main setting https://prnt.sc/pitBoxQ1AVL4
    Access restriction https://prnt.sc/OazR277bWPQg
    I have only one dynamic rule https://prnt.sc/MBUg4PNTLDb3

    Plugin Author WebWizards


    Thank you for the details – unfortunately I’m still not sure what would cause that.

    The best way I can help is if you open a ticket with us at https://webwizards.ticksy.com and provide us with backend access credentials to your site or staging site.

    If your support expired you can open the ticket in the B2BKing Pre-Sales category – it’s fine.

    Thread Starter iantochi


    Thank you, I will do that!

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