• Wes Candela


    Page builder makes designing a post or web page or site easy and customizable. It’s user friendly and they keep adding more and more functionality to it…more additions and options.
    Using it when it first came out to now, the changes are immense, it’s obvious they keep their feet on the peddle over at SiteOrigin.

    I’ve been using their “Vantage” theme now for almost 5 years, and that’s another product that’s made me loyal to them, they improve and implement changes that littrrally allow me to remove tons of custom CSS code each release.

    I am no pro with designing, I’ve had to teach myself a ton, so a task like adding 2 pics side by side in an article, but wanting the ability to have those images collapse into one column on a portrait oriantated mobile device was difficult for me to work out.
    Then I go to page builder and see that you can choose that in the plug in settings, add as many columns as you want, page builder will make sure it works on any screen, screen size and orientation the page is viewed on.

    Just a huge help. It’s an essential plug-in.
    Highly recommend.

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