I run a political thinktank website using WordPress, and I wanted it to look a bit non-bloggy and a bit more news-site/magazine like.
You can have a look here:
It’s based on a free theme:
although somewhat modified by me.
It can arguably still be made even less bloggy by adding more elements, e.g. animated gif or flash banners etc.
Earlier I used
this look
based on another free theme:
Apathy by Perishable Press
but modified almost beyond all recognition. (There are no images in the screen-dump, which makes it look a bit dull, but threw in the same anount of pics as in my current design, and it gets a lot nicer.)
As for the debate about why try to make WordPress look like something else than a blog, I fully support the view that WordPress is by far the easiest CMS-system to run, manage and modify. To step up to something like Joomla if all you want is a less bloggy look really is overkill. Note that I’m not saying Joomla is not a good CMS-system (especially considering it’s free), just that very many of us not need the fancy stuff and do not want to put in the hours/days/months it takes to master the back-end.
/Mats D