Hi Fsanya.
I have disabled the internal cron of WordPress and use cron from the hosting. My hosting sends me if there is an error.
In this case the plugin in the file:
has the line:
error_log (print_r ($ orders, true));
with what I get the result although there is no error.
I have made an arrangement for me in the hourly_schedule() function and now the reminders email are send.
public function hourly_schedule() {
global $wpdb;
$number = get_option( 'ywrr_hourly_send_number' );
// FIX
$number = 10;
// FIX
$orders = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT order_id,
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}ywrr_email_schedule
WHERE mail_status = 'pending' AND scheduled_date <= %s
LIMIT {$number}
", current_time( 'mysql' ) ) );
//error_log(print_r($orders, true));
Only I added $number=10; and commented error_log (print_r ($ orders, true)); to not receive notices. With this every hour a maximum of 10 emails are sent out of those that are pending.
Checking the code I see that only emails are sent if there are 12 reminders or more pending. If there are less, they will never be sent.
$number = round($count / 24);
$number is the maximum number of emails that will be sent every hour. And it is recalculated once every 24 hours.
If there are 11 pending reminders or less then the email will stop, as long as there are no more completed orders that are 7 days old or more.