Hey Tammo ??
Yes, Event categories are completely separate from blog categories. Events Manager only works (in shortcodes etc) with Events Categories.
If you want to enable blog categories in your events (for easier use within WP_Query, for example), you need this snippet:
function stonehenge_use_blog_categories_in_em() {
$supported_array = (EM_MS_GLOBAL && !is_main_site()) ? array() : array(EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT,'event-recurring');
// register_taxonomy_for_object_type('category',EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION);
add_action('init', 'stonehenge_use_blog_categories_in_em', 100);
Please note that the Dutch translation results in “Categori?n” for both types ?? That is because in the EM .po file “Events Categories” is translated as “Categori?n”.
So for that, you’ll need this snippet”
// Rename Blog Category (translated wrongly in Events Manager)
function stonehenge_rename_blog_category() {
global $wp_taxonomies;
$cat = $wp_taxonomies['category'];
$cat->label = __('Blog Categories', 'your-theme-textdomain');
$cat->labels->singular_name = __('Blog Category', 'your-theme-textdomain');
$cat->labels->name = $cat->label;
$cat->labels->menu_name = $cat->label;
add_action( 'init', 'stonehenge_rename_blog_category');