• Resolved Webtaurus


    I run into a strange problem on a site i am developing. The site has a few custom post types, which use custom meta boxes. When I activate Events Manager the content of those metaboxes is no longer showing in the backend for the post. (for existing post)

    When I create a new post with the plugin active, the content of the metabox shows in the backend, but does not appear on the frontend of the site.

    The site is build on Genesis and a child theme. Does anyone have ideas what could be the cause of this?

    I am using version


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  • hi,

    can I know if those CPT is from your theme or other plugins? also, can I know if you get any php error or it’s just reloading not saving your custom meta box?

    Thread Starter Webtaurus


    The CPT’s are build from code (and based on the code of Bill Ericcson: https://www.billerickson.net/core-functionality-plugin/ )

    I use the same custom post type code on more sites, and did not find any problems sofar… and with debug “true” I did not get any notices or warnings when saving the cpt’s

    As soon as I disable Events Manager the content of the custom meta boxes becomes visible again.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    when adding meta boxes, the php code adding them needs to include CPTs that should show this meta box, so chances are whatever is creating the meta box isn’t doing this.-

    Thread Starter Webtaurus


    I think you mean: `’pages’ => array(‘partner’),
    and ‘pages’ => array( ‘dossier’, ),`
    which are included in the cmb code. (partner and dossier are the names of the CPT’s)

    Or do you mean: ‘show_on’ => array( ‘post-type’ )

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Thread Starter Webtaurus


    Metabox defined as:

    $meta_boxes[] = array(
    		'id'         => 'test_metabox',
    		'title'      => 'Test Metabox',
    		'pages'      => array( 'page', ), // Post type
    		'context'    => 'normal',
    		'priority'   => 'high',
    		'show_names' => true, // Show field names on the left
    		'fields'     => array(
    				'name' => 'Test Text',
    				'desc' => 'field description (optional)',
    				'id'   => $prefix . 'test_text',
    				'type' => 'text',

    I have to rely on Bill’s code, since I am not capable of writing my own… I just vary on the examples given. Do you mean it should be different ?

    Thanks for looking at this Marcus ??

    sorry, Im not familiar with the code above but I think you need to add event post type somewhere in the code as per @marcus suggestion above; you can see sample snippet below the shared link of @marcus

    Thread Starter Webtaurus


    mmm.. adding event (as post-type) to the code would result in WordPress displaying my custom-meta-boxes on the “event” pages in the backend.

    I am starting to suspect a this bit of code:

    $prefix = '_cmb_'; // Prefix for all fields
    function be_metaboxes( $meta_boxes ) {
    	global $prefix;

    With Events Manager activated, the prefix maybe changes, since it shows me a different content of that specific metabox. Which is why it will not display on the frontend, because WordPress is looking for and displaying the ‘_cmb_dossier-info’ customfield.

    Looks like somehow EM changes the prefix, so it then another version of the cmb gets saved, but with another name.

    Hope this makes sense to you ??
    Now I have to find how to change this in the code..
    For now I have switched to another solution for the site we are building, its now bug hunting for the sake of “bug-hunting”

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    i don’t think that would be us, we don’t change prefixes, however, the use of a generic variable name like $prefix is bound to create problems somewhere.

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