• consortchorale


    I am using “Events Manager” version 5.9.5 with “WP Mail SMTP” version 1.4.1. In “WP Mail SMTP” Settings there are instructions under “Other SMTP” to prevent the SMTP Password from being stored in plain text in the Database, by defining it in wp-config.php. These instructions are found at the bottom of its settings page.

    However, when I use this method, and the plaintext password is not in the database, “Events Manager” will succeed at sending a Test Email, but it fails to send any other emails (like Pending Bookings). The error is “SMTP failed to connect”. I debugged it, and found that the failure was because the password field was empty when connecting.

    If I instead configure WP mail SMTP to store the password in plain text in the DB, Events Manager successfully is able to send all emails. This may be a defect in “WP Mail SMTP”, but hopefully you will be able to determine that better than I.

    Thanks for checking into this.

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  • Stonehenge Creations


    Are you setting the EM Mail to WP Mail? You need to do that, because that is the only thing WP Mail SMTP takes over. Technically, WP Mail SMTP takes over wp_mail() and setting it to anything else in EM will make EM use PHP Mailer.

    Thread Starter consortchorale


    Yes, my EM’s Mail Sending method = WP Mail. When I was debugging – I found the missing password happening down in PHP Mailer.

    Stonehenge Creations


    Just to make sure: You are using this one, right?

    Thread Starter consortchorale


    Yes, that’s the one.

    Stonehenge Creations


    It works like a charm!! ??
    But.. WHERE did you put the new lines in you wp-config.php file? I think too low. It has to be above the /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Anything below require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php'); will never, ever, noppes, rien, nimmer be loaded ??

    Thread Starter consortchorale


    Thanks! Moving the settings up in the file worked. I didn’t know that the settings needed to go above the comments. ??

    Stonehenge Creations


    Yeah, even the WPBeginner tutorial does not state that, so that is a very big blunder on their part. ??

    Thread Starter consortchorale


    Yeah, that wouldn’t have helped anyway. I’m a retired Senior Principal Engineer from Autodesk. I don’t read no stinkin’ tutorials! ??

    Stonehenge Creations


    Well, in that case the /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ should have triggered you enough… LOL ?? ??

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