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  • @markburton52

    Maybe the Events Manager shortcode has been updated during last year.
    Reading their documentation this code snippet update may be working now
    with the 2nd $shortcode line in the code snippet as the formatting of the result.

    add_shortcode( 'um_upcoming_events', 'um_show_user_upcoming_events' );
    function um_show_user_upcoming_events() {    
        um_fetch_user( um_profile_id() );
        $shortcode  = '[events_list search="' . um_user( 'dbem_caf_show_name' ) . '" scope="future"]';
        $shortcode .= '<p>#_EVENTLINK will take place at #_LOCATIONLINK on #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>';
        $shortcode .= '[/events_list]';
        if ( version_compare( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '5.4', '<' ) ) {
            $upcoming_events = do_shortcode( $shortcode );
        } else {
            $upcoming_events = apply_shortcodes( $shortcode );
        return $upcoming_events;

    You install the code snippet by adding it
    to your active theme’s functions.php file
    or use the “Code Snippets” Plugin

    Thread Starter markburton52


    Hi, thanks for the rapid answer. I don’t think that’s it. Some events do appear and for some reason when I did a bulk upload of events from a csv file (using WP All Import), only some have post id numbers and it’s those that are found in the search. I’ll dig into the database to see what’s going on but it looks like a local problem to my setup.

    Thread Starter markburton52


    Just to confirm: the problem wasn’t with the shortcode but with the uploaded events. Both old and new version work: I actually prefer the way events are formatted in the original version.

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