Event Manager list not loading correctly
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JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support: NoI started adding more events using the Event Manager page. Sometime after I added enough to cause a 2nd page to be created, I noticed some events were not showing in the list even though they appeared in the calendar. Then I noticed that when I switched to the second page and back to the first again, the missing events reappeared in the list. The total number of items in the Event Manager (no category assigned) is 33.
So I did some screen captures and counted items and noted ID #’s and here’s what I discovered.
When I view the event manager page for the first time after adding an event, I see some recently added events aren’t in the list. Then I switch to the 2nd page and see several events are being duplicated in the list on the 2nd page. eg, ID 187 appeared on both the 1st and 2nd page as well as IDs 257, 258, 260 and a few more. When I switch back to the first page, the missing events appear and the duplication no longer occurs.
If you’re interested, I have the screen captures to show what I’m trying to describe. Note the info you requested is included above.
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