Event list manager
Hello. I have downloaded the event manager free. I have added the shortcode( [events_list scope=”future” limit=5 pagination=1])into the event formatting. But it didn’t show the event list with image on event page. How to fix the problem?. Would you show me the step by step with the guide?
thank you. Looking forward to your reply with thanks
here’s another snippet which may help you with this – https://pastebin.com/x2n46ZaP
How to add the description below?
Hello angelo. Take a look at this. https://demo.wp-events-plugin.com/events/. How to add the description? and make the word toward to the image
NetWebLogic SupportThe event description can be added by using the #_EVENTNOTES placeholder with the code Angelo gave.
How to add the line for each event list? So that easier to view or not mess up
How to add the line for each event list? So that easier to view or not mess up
It needs to be added to Default event list format under Events > Settings > Formatting > Events.
Yes I am in events but how to add the code to the event list with line like our conversation there is the line for each our message?.
<table cellpadding=”10″ cellspacing=”10″ id=”current-events” >
<th id=”event-time” width=”190″>Date/Time</th>
<th id=”event-description” width=”*”>Event</th>
#_jp7prfn #@_{ – d}
<p> #F</p>
#H:#i -#@H:#@i
</td><div style=”float:left; margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;”>#_EVENTIMAGE{100,100}</div>
</table>Where to add the code to that for the each event list line?
Adding this to the end of the style.css file of your theme should give you line between events:
#current-events td { border-top: 1px solid #ededed; padding: 6px 10px 6px 0; }
Where is style.css?. there are so many style.css
it didn’t work out
There should be only file that is called style.css.
div#em-loading { position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; background:#FFFFFF url(../images/loading.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat; left:0px; top:0px; opacity:0.8; filter:alpha(opacity=80); z-index:99998; }
.em-search-ajax { position:relative; }
/* Warnings */
.em-warning { margin:10px 0px; padding:10px; color:#333; border-radius:3px; display:block !important; }
.em-warning p { margin:10px 0px !important; padding:0px; color:#333 }
.em-warning-errors { background-color:#FFEBE8; border:1px solid #C00; }
.em-warning-confirms { background-color:#f1fff0; border:1px solid #a8d144; }
a.em-button { float:right; padding:5px 10px; margin:5px; background:#EEE; color:#333; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; }
a.em-button:hover { text-decoration:none; }.em-search-wrapper {border:1px;padding:15px;background-color:#ff9900;height:100%px;width:97%; -moz-border-radius:6px; -webkit-border-radius:6px;}
/* Search Form */
.em-search div { display:inline; }
.em-search label { display:none; }
.em-search .hidden { display:none !important; }
/* Custom Search CSS */
div.css-search { margin-bottom:20px; }
div.em-search.css-search label { display:inline;height:10px; }
div.em-search.css-search div { display:block; }
div.css-search input, div.css-search select, div.css-search option, div.css-search div, div.css-search span, div.css-search button {
width:auto; height:auto; margin:0; padding:0; float:none; display:auto; font-size:14px; /* reset everything */
div.css-search input, div.css-search select { padding:5px; }
div.css-search { background:#FF9900; border:1px solid #dedede; border-radius:3px; padding:5px; min-height:40px; position:relative; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; }
/* Main Search */
<!– div.css-search.has-advanced div.em-search-main { padding-bottom:8px; border-bottom:1px solid #dedede; }
div.css-search div.em-search-main div { display:inline; }
div.css-search div.em-search-field { padding:5px 0px; }
div.css-search input.em-search-text, div.css-search input.em-search-geo { width:90%; font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none !important; color:#666; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
div.css-search div.em-search-geo { margin:0px 0px 0px 5px; padding-left:20px; background:url(../images/search-geo.png) 0px 3px no-repeat; }
div.css-search div.em-search-text { margin:0px 0px 0px 5px; padding-left:20px; background:url(../images/search-mag-ico.png) 0px 4px no-repeat; }
/* Placeholder text in main section */
div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:3px 0px; border:none; outline:none; color:#666; }
div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#666; }
div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#666; }
div.css-search div.em-search-main div.em-search-field input:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */ font-size:16px; line-height:16px; padding:8px; border:none; outline:none; color:#666; }
/* Geo field specifics */
div.css-search.has-search-geo.has-search-term input.em-search-text, div.css-search.has-search-geo.has-search-term input.em-search-geo { width:40%; }
.pac-container .pac-item { padding:4px 4px !important; }
/* Main Search Button */
div.css-search div.em-search-main .em-search-submit {
top: 5px; right: 5px;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #ffffff;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #ffffff;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #ffffff;
background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #b7d282), color-stop(1, #8eb56d) );
background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #b7d282 5%, #8eb56d 100% );
border:1px solid #dcdcdc;
padding:8px 10px;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #c7c5c7;
div.css-search div.em-search-main .em-search-submit:hover {
background:-webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #C4DB99), color-stop(1, #A4C48A) );
background:-moz-linear-gradient( center top, #C4DB99 5%, #A4C48A 100% );
background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #C4DB99, #A4C48A);
background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #C4DB99, #A4C48A);
background:linear-gradient(top, #C4DB99, #A4C48A);
div.css-search div.em-search-main .em-search-submit img { border:none; padding:0; margin:0; box-shadow:none; border-radius:0; background:none; }
/* IE7 Hack */ div.css-search div.em-search-main button.em-search-submit span { display:block; width:16px; height:16px; background:url(‘../images/search-mag.png’) 0px 0px no-repeat; }
/* Advanced Search */
div.css-search div.em-search-location, div.em-search-location-meta { margin:0px; padding: 0px; }
div.css-search div.em-search-advanced, div.css-search div.em-search-options { padding:5px 8px; }
div.css-search div.em-search-advanced > div { clear:both; }
div.css-search div.em-search-advanced label { display:block; float:left; min-width:100px; }
div.css-search div.em-search-advanced .em-search-submit { margin:10px 0px; }
div.css-search.no-search-main div.em-search-advanced.visible div { display:inline; clear:none; }
div.css-search.no-search-main div.em-search-advanced.visible label { display:none; }
div.css-search div.em-search-options { text-align:right; }/* Booking Form */
.em-booking { margin:15px 0px 10px 0px; position:relative; }
.em-booking-form { position:relative; clear:left; }
.em-booking-form-details { padding:10px; width:360px; float:left; }
.em-booking-form-details input.input, .em-booking-form-details textarea { width:250px; }
.em-booking-form p { clear:left; }
.em-booking-form label { display:block; float:left; }
.em-booking-form span.input-group input { margin-left:-20px; }
.em-booking-form span.input-group { display:block; margin-left:120px; }
.em-booking-form label { display:inline-block; width:100px; }
.em-booking-form-details .em-booking-submit { width:auto; }
/* Tickets */
.em-tickets { margin-bottom:20px; }
/* Message Errors */
div.em-booking-message { margin:10px 0px; padding:10px; color:#333; border-radius:3px; }
div.em-booking-message p { margin:10px 0px !important; padding:0px; color:#333; }
div.em-booking-message-success { background-color:#f1fff0; border:1px solid #a8d144; }
div.em-booking-message-error { background-color:#FFEBE8; border:1px solid #C00; }
/* Optional Login Form */
div.em-booking-login { padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 390px; border-left: 1px solid black; }
div.em-booking-login label { display:inline-block; width:90px; }
div.em-booking-login p{ margin:10px 0px !important; padding:0px !important; }
div.em-booking-login input { margin:0px; }/* Events Admin */
#em-wrapper #posts-filter .subsubsub .current { font-weight:bold; }/* Add Event Form */
#event-form h4 { margin:25px 0px 15px 0px; font-weight:bold; }
#event-form p { margin-top:10px; }
#event-form .inside { clear:both; margin-bottom:20px; }
#buddypress .wp-editor-wrap table { width:auto; }
#buddypress .wp-editor-wrap table tr td, #buddypress .wp-editor-wrap table tr th { padding:0; }
#buddypress .wp-editor-wrap a.button, #buddypress .wp-editor-wrap button, #buddypress .wp-editor-wrap input[type=submit], #buddypress .wp-editor-wrap input[type=button], #buddypress .wp-editor-wrap input[type=reset] { padding: 0px 10px 1px; }
/* Event Details */
#event-form #event-name { width:80%; padding:2px; }
#event-form .event-extra-details { margin-top:20px; }
#event-form .event-extra-details select { vertical-align:top; }
#event-rsvp-box { margin:10px; }
#event-rsvp-options label { font-weight:bold; }
.em-tickets-row .ticket-status span.ticket_on { display:block; width:10px; height:10px; background:green; }
.em-tickets-row .ticket-status span.ticket_off { display:block; width:10px; height:10px; background:red; }
.em-tickets-row .ticket-status span.ticket_new { display:block; width:10px; height:10px; background:grey; }
#em-tickets-form th { width:auto; }
#em-tickets-form th.ticket-status { width:20px; }
/* Ticket Forms */
.em-ticket-form .ticket-options { margin-top:10px; }
.em-ticket-form > div > div, #em-tickets-form .ticket-dates > div { clear:both; padding-top:4px; }
.em-ticket-form label { display:block; float:left; min-width:105px; padding-right:5px; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-name input, #em-tickets-form .ticket-description textarea { width:50%}
#em-tickets-form .em-ticket-form-actions { clear:both; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-spaces input, #em-tickets-form .ticket-price input { width:80px; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-dates input.em-date-input-loc { width:90px; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-dates-from-normal, #em-tickets-form .ticket-dates-from-recurring,
#em-tickets-form .ticket-dates-to-normal, #em-tickets-form .ticket-dates-to-recurring { display:inline; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-required input, #em-tickets-form .ticket-roles input { width:auto; }
#em-tickets-form .ticket-roles div { margin-left:110px; }
/* The editor */
#wp-em-editor-content-wrap table { margin-bottom:0px; }
/* Location form */
#em-location-data table.em-location-data td, #em-location-data table.em-location-data th { vertical-align:top; border:none; }
#em-location-data table.em-location-data select { width:100%; }
#em-location-data table.em-location-data { width:50%; float:left; border:none; }
#em-location-data .em-location-map-container { width: 50%; height: 300px; float:left; }
#em-location-data .em-location-map-404, #em-location-data .em-location-map-content { width:100%; height:100%; }
#em-location-data .em-location-map-404 { vertical-align:middle; text-align: center; }
/* Booking Admin */
/* Generic Table Info */
table.em-form-fields td, table.em-form-fields th { text-align:left; vertical-align:top; }
table.em-form-fields th { padding:0px 20px 5px 0px; }
/* Bookings Table */
.em_obj { position:relative; }
.em_obj .table-wrap { clear:left; padding-top:5px; }
.em-bookings-table .em-bookings-table-export, .em-bookings-table .em-bookings-table-settings { float:left; display:block; margin:2px 5px; width:25px; height:25px; }
.em-bookings-table .em-bookings-table-export { background:url(../images/csv.png) 0px 0px no-repeat; }
.em-bookings-table .em-bookings-table-settings { background:url(../images/settings.png) 0px 0px no-repeat; }
/* Settings & Export */
#em-bookings-table-export, #em-bookings-table-settings { width:500px; height: 75%; }
#em-bookings-table-export form, #em-bookings-table-settings form { height: 100%; overflow:auto; }
/* Sorting */
.em-bookings-table-overlay ul.em-bookings-cols-sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 10px; float: left; margin-right: 10px; }
.em-bookings-table-overlay ul.em-bookings-cols-sortable li { margin: 0 5px 5px 5px; padding: 3px 8px; font-size: 12px; width: 120px; font-weight:none; cursor:move; }
.em-bookings-table-overlay ul.em-bookings-cols-sortable li.ui-state-highlight {}
.em-bookings-table-overlay ul.em-bookings-cols-sortable li.ui-state-default { color:#999; }
#em-bookings-export-cols-inactive, #em-bookings-cols-inactive { width:300px; }
#em-bookings-export-cols-inactive li, #em-bookings-cols-inactive li { float:left; }
/* Single Booking Edit View */
#em-bookings-admin-booking .em-booking-single-info { display:none; }
#em-bookings-admin-booking .em-booking-single-form { padding-right:20px; }/* Printable stuff */
body#printable { font-family: Gill Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; }
body#printable #container { margin: 0 auto; width: 780px; text-align: left; }
body#printable table#bookings-table { width: 600px; border-spacing: 0px; }
body#printable table#bookings-table td { padding: 5px 0; }
body#printable table#bookings-table td.spaces-number { text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; }
body#printable table#bookings-table th { text-align: left; margin-left: 5px; }
body#printable table#bookings-table tr#booked-spaces td{ border-top: 2px solid #999; }
body#printable table#bookings-table td.total-label { text-align: right; }
body#printable table#bookings-table tr#booked-spaces td.spaces-number, table#bookings-table tr#available-spaces td.spaces-number { font-weight: bold; }/* Calendar Styles */
table.em-calendar td { padding: 2px 4px; text-align: center; }
table.em-calendar.table tr.days-names { font-weight: bold; }
table.em-calendar td.eventless-pre, .em-calendar td.eventless-post { color: #ccc; }
table.em-calendar td.eventful-pre a, table.em-calendar td.eventful-post a{ color: #aaa; text-decoration:underline; }
table.em-calendar td.eventful a, table.em-calendar td.eventful-today a { color: #FD7E29; }
table.em-calendar td.eventful-today a { font-weight: bold; }
table.em-calendar td.eventless-today, table.em-calendar td.eventful-today { background-color: #CFCFCF; }
table.em-calendar thead { font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; }
table.fullcalendar { border-collapse: collapse; }
table.fullcalendar td { text-align: left; border: 1px solid #888; }
div.em-calendar-wrapper { position:relative; }
Maps – if the info balloons don’t look right on your site, chances are it’s a CSS issue.
Google is VERY sensitive to CSS rules for the infowindows, making it hard to accommodate every theme in WP.
Please edit your theme’s CSS to override this
.em-map-balloon .em-map-balloon-content {
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px !important;
padding:0px 0px 20px 0px !important;
font-size:12px !important;
color:#000000 !important;
width:auto !important;
max-width:none !important;
height:auto !important;
max-height:none !important;
.em-location-map img, .em-locations-map img, #em-map img {
max-width:none !important;
background:none !important;
border:none !important;
margin:0 !important;
padding:0 !important;
}/* Time Picker */
#start-time, #end-time { width:7em;}
#start-time.error, #end-time.error { border:#cc0000 1px solid; }
div.time-picker { position: absolute; height: 191px; width:5em; /* needed for IE */ overflow: auto; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #aaa; z-index: 99; margin: 0; }
div.time-picker-12hours { width:7em; /* needed for IE */ }
div.time-picker ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
div.time-picker li { cursor: pointer; height: 10px; font: 12px/1 Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 4px 3px; }
div.time-picker li.selected { background: #0063CE; color: #fff; }How to fix the problem?. i have done set the color for the search background. Than i open to any browser than it show everything up and down. So how to fix back to the normal one?. I used the internet explorer and chrome so it seems fine. Just the firefox has some problem.
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