I’m having the same challenge with my league. I have a CSV file of 81 lines – 40 games and a header. The file itself is only 3kb in size. When I import the file, all the 81 lines show up in the preview but after choosing the Competition and Season, only 20 games show up. It actually only pulls the first 40 lines of the CSV file so the 20th game only shows 1 team instead of 2.
I’ve never dealt with the php.ini file before. Found some videos online but can’t seem to get it right.
I’ve added php.ini in my wp-admin folder and the file says
max_input_vars = 5000;
I’ve got back to import the schedule again but it still only imports 20 games even though it gives me the preview for all of them. I figured it didn’t make sense to start a new thread for the exact same problem but hoped getting the answer here would also help others who might have the same challenge.
The site is currently here while I’m building it. You see the schedule on page 2 only lists 1 team for the last game