Event Espresso Map Only
I need to know how to extract only the map from this shortcode function. I would rather it not be a function if possible, and then I call some php to display the map.
if (!function_exists('espresso_venue_details_sc')) { function espresso_venue_details_sc($atts) { global $wpdb, $this_event_id; empty($atts) ? '' : extract($atts); //Outside wrapper $outside_wrapper_class = isset($outside_wrapper_class) ? 'class="' . $outside_wrapper_class . '"' : 'class="col-md-6"'; $wrapper_start = isset($outside_wrapper) ? '<' . $outside_wrapper . ' ' . $outside_wrapper_class : '<div ' . $outside_wrapper_class; $wrapper_end = isset($outside_wrapper) ? '</' . $outside_wrapper . '>' : '</div>'; //Image class $image_class = isset($image_class) ? 'class="' . $image_class . '"' : 'class="venue_image"'; $image_wrapper_class = isset($image_wrapper_class) ? 'class="' . $image_wrapper_class . '"' : 'class="image_wrapper"'; $image_wrapper_start = isset($image_wrapper) ? '<' . $image_wrapper . ' ' . $image_wrapper_class : '<p ' . $image_wrapper_class . '>'; $image_wrapper_end = isset($image_wrapper) ? '</' . $image_wrapper . '>' : '</p>'; //Venue title $title_class = isset($title_class) ? 'class="' . $title_class . '"' : 'class="venue_name"'; $title_wrapper_start = isset($title_wrapper) ? '<' . $title_wrapper . ' ' . $title_class : '<h3 ' . $title_class; $title_wrapper_end = isset($title_wrapper) ? '</' . $title_wrapper . '>' : '</h3>'; //Inside wrappers $inside_wrapper_class = isset($inside_wrapper_class) ? 'class="' . $inside_wrapper_class . '"' : 'class="venue_details"'; $inside_wrapper_before = isset($inside_wrapper) ? '<' . $inside_wrapper . ' ' . $inside_wrapper_class . '>' : '<p ' . $inside_wrapper_class . '>'; $inside_wrapper_after = isset($inside_wrapper) ? '</' . $inside_wrapper . '>' : '</p>'; //Map image class $map_image_class = isset($map_image_class) ? 'class="' . $map_image_class . '"' : 'class="venue_map_image"'; $map_image_wrapper_class = isset($map_image_wrapper_class) ? 'class="' . $map_image_wrapper_class . '">' : 'class="map_image_wrapper">'; $map_image_wrapper_start = isset($map_image_wrapper) ? '<' . $map_image_wrapper . ' ' . $map_image_wrapper_class : '<p ' . $map_image_wrapper_class; $map_image_wrapper_end = isset($map_image_wrapper) ? '</' . $map_image_wrapper . '>' : '</p>'; //Google Map link text $show_google_map_link = isset($show_google_map_link) && $show_google_map_link == 'false' ? false : true; $map_link_text = isset($map_link_text) ? $map_link_text : __('Map and Directions', 'event_espresso'); //Show Google map image? $show_map_image = isset($show_map_image) && $show_map_image == 'false' ? false : true; //Show title? $show_title = isset($show_title) && $show_title == 'false' ? false : true; //Show image? $show_image = isset($show_image) && $show_image == 'false' ? false : true; //Show the description? $show_description = isset($show_description) && $show_description == 'false' ? false : true; //Show address details? $show_address = isset($show_address) && $show_address == 'false' ? false : true; //Show additional details $show_additional_details = isset($show_additional_details) && $show_additional_details == 'false' ? false : true; $FROM = " FROM "; $order_by = isset($order_by) && $order_by != '' ? " ORDER BY " . $order_by . " ASC " : " ORDER BY name ASC "; $limit = isset( $limit ) && $limit > 0 ? " LIMIT 0," . $limit . " " : ''; $using_id = false; //Find the event id if (isset($id) && $id > 0) { } elseif (isset($event_id)) { $event_id = $event_id; //Check to see if the event is used in the shortcode parameter $using_id = true; } elseif (isset($this_event_id)) { $event_id = $this_event_id; //Check to see if the global event id is being used $using_id = true; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['event_id'])) { $event_id = $_REQUEST['event_id']; //If the first two are not being used, then get the event id from the url $using_id = true; } $sql = "SELECT ev.* "; if ($using_id == true) { $sql .= " $FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " e "; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN " . EVENTS_VENUE_REL_TABLE . " vr ON e.id = vr.event_id "; $FROM = " LEFT JOIN "; } $sql .= " $FROM " . EVENTS_VENUE_TABLE . " ev "; if ($using_id == true) { $sql .= " ON vr.venue_id = ev.id "; } if (isset($id) && $id > 0) { $sql .= " WHERE ev.id = '" . $id . "' "; } elseif (isset($event_id) && $event_id > 0) { $sql .= " WHERE e.id ='" . $event_id . "' "; } else { $sql .= " GROUP BY ev.name "; } if ($using_id == false) { $sql .= $order_by; $sql .= $limit; } //echo $sql ; $venues = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $num_rows = $wpdb->num_rows; if ($num_rows > 0) { $html = ''; foreach ($venues as $venue) { $venue_id = $venue->id; $meta = unserialize($venue->meta); //Google map link creation $google_map_link = espresso_google_map_link(array('address' => $venue->address, 'city' => $venue->city, 'state' => $venue->state, 'zip' => $venue->zip, 'country' => $venue->country, 'text' => $map_link_text, 'type' => 'text')); //Google map image creation if ($show_map_image != false) { $map_w = isset($map_w) ? $map_w : 420; $map_h = isset($map_h) ? $map_h : 420; $google_map_image = espresso_google_map_link(array('id' => $venue_id, 'map_image_class' => $map_image_class, 'address' => $venue->address, 'city' => $venue->city, 'state' => $venue->state, 'zip' => $venue->zip, 'country' => $venue->country, 'text' => $map_link_text, 'type' => 'map', 'map_h' => $map_h, 'map_w' => $map_w)); } //Build the venue title if ($show_title != false) { $html .= '<div class="col-md-6">'; $html .= '<img src="/wp-content/themes/hnh/img/venue.png">'; $html .= '<h5>Venue</h5>'; $html .= $venue->name != '' ? $title_wrapper_start . '>' . stripslashes_deep($venue->name) . $title_wrapper_end : ''; $html .= '</div>'; } //Build the venue image //if ($show_image != false) { // $html .= $meta['image'] != '' ? $image_wrapper_start . '<img id="venue_image_' . $venue_id . '" ' . $image_class . ' src="' . stripslashes_deep($meta['image']) . '" />' . $image_wrapper_end : ''; //} //Build the description //if ($show_description != false) { // $html .= $meta['description'] != '' ? espresso_format_content($meta['description']) : ''; //} //Build the address details if ($show_address != false) { $html .= '<div class="col-md-6">'; // $html .= $inside_wrapper_before; $html .= '<img src="/wp-content/themes/hnh/img/location.png">'; $html .= '<h5>Location</h5>'; $html .= $venue->address != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->address) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $venue->address2 != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->address2) . '<br />' : ''; $html .= $venue->city != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->city) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $venue->state != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->state) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $venue->zip != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->zip) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $venue->country != '' ? stripslashes_deep($venue->country) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $show_google_map_link != false ? $google_map_link : ''; // $html .= $inside_wrapper_after; $html .= '</div>'; } //Build the additional details if ($show_additional_details != false) { $html .= $inside_wrapper_before; // $html .= $meta['website'] != '' ? __('Website:', 'event_espresso') . ' <a href="' . stripslashes_deep($meta['website']) . '" target="_blank">' . stripslashes_deep($meta['website']) . '</a><br />' : ''; // $html .= $meta['contact'] != '' ? __('Contact:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($meta['contact']) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $meta['phone'] != '' ? __('Phone:', 'event_espresso') . ' ' . stripslashes_deep($meta['phone']) . '<br />' : ''; // $html .= $meta['twitter'] != '' ? __('Twitter:', 'event_espresso') . ' <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/' . stripslashes_deep($meta['twitter']) . '" target="_blank">@' . stripslashes_deep($meta['twitter']) . '</a><br />' : ''; $html .= $inside_wrapper_after; } //Build the venue image //if ($show_map_image != false) { // $html .= $map_image_wrapper_start . $google_map_image . $map_image_wrapper_end; //} } } //ob_start(); return $wrapper_start . ' id="venue_id_' . $venue_id . '">' . $html . $wrapper_end; //$buffer = ob_get_contents(); //ob_end_clean(); //return $buffer; } } add_shortcode('ESPRESSO_VENUE', 'espresso_venue_details_sc');
If anyone is able to help I’d appreciate it.
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