• I’ve installed the Event Calendar 3.0 and since then my Events Category does not display in the sidebar with the other categories. The creator said it’s not an issue with the plugin but something I’ve done. he mentioned a nested category.

    Not sure what he means and if that is the culprit.


    Any ideas?

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  • Options > EventCalendar

    Flip to “Show events as blog entries: Events are Normal Posts” and see if it shows up.

    Thread Starter shareski


    Thanks but it doesn’t make a difference.

    Have you altered your sidebar at all with respect to category listings?

    I noticed that shareski has the same problem Ive had with this plugin, the weird formatting of the words: events, the date, and the title of cal post.

    See the big dot overlapping the right column?

    Anyway to get rid of this?


    the div id=”wp-calendar”… is nested in a <li> … and that needs to be inside a <ul>

    you know what i mean?

    Thread Starter shareski


    I assume you me the sidebar template. Here’s the code:

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’ ); ?>

    <h2><?php _e(‘Categories:’); ?></h2>

      <?php wp_list_cats(‘optioncount=1’); ?>

    <h2><label for=”s”><?php _e(‘Search:’); ?></label></h2>

    • <form id=”searchform” method=”get” action=”<?php echo $_SERVER[‘/blog/wp-content/themes/connections/PHP_SELF’]; ?>”>
      <div style=”text-align:center”>
      <input type=”text” name=”s” id=”s” size=”15″ />
      <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Search’); ?>” />
    • <?php ec3_get_calendar(); ?>
    • <?php _e(‘Events’); ?>
      <?php ec3_get_events(5); ?>
    • <h2><?php _e(‘Monthly:’); ?></h2>

      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly&show_post_count=true’); ?>

    <h2><?php _e(‘RSS Feeds:’); ?></h2>

    Not exactly sure what to move.


    the documentation says you need to put the events into a list format, like this

    <?php ec3_get_calendar(); ?>
    <li><?php _e('Events'); ?>
    <?php ec3_get_events(5); ?>

    but since you removed the
    ul and li tags, i guess you’re getting strange behaviour? try wrapping ul around the calls for events:

    <?php ec3_get_calendar(); ?>
    <li><?php _e('Events'); ?>
    <?php ec3_get_events(5); ?>


    see does that fix it?

    PART 2:

    i looked again at your code, and realized i can’t read it… (you know about the backticks, right? i know, it’s hard)

    i think i’m wrong in my above post… that won’t work.

    the main problem is, you’re outputting li’s with no wrappping ul tags.

    to demonstrate: a normal list structure needs to be:

    something here

    so you have apparently got

    something here

    with no


    around it! does that help?

    Thread Starter shareski


    Thanks for your help.

    Your first post does use the

    <?php ec3_get_calendar(); ?>
    <li><?php _e('Events'); ?><br />
    <?php ec3_get_events(5); ?>

    I did change it to this. But it’s still not working. In fact, now even though I have other events, they aren’t even showing up on the calendar. i posted to the plugins site but haven’t had a reponse.

    Do you think reinstalling the plugin would help?

    Also, since you are apparently a very helpful person, would you mind looking at my other posting about my search feature issues and see if you have any ideas? I’m guessin it’s another simple thing I’m doing wrong. My html/php skills are very limited as you can see.

    thanks once again.

    darn, i have to go get a train, but i will look at this on monday, in case anyone else can’t help you today!

    it looks like everything is working ok on your site now, and i checked the search tool, and all looks OK. good!

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