Hi @thewarisnotover,
I think you’re referring to ExactMetrics perhaps, but not to worry. I’m not sure if you’re a developer or not, but I’ll give that explanation just in case.
The thing we tried to solve with the new 6.0 tracking format is letting people have the ability to place JS click tracking events and even if the user won’t be tracked, the functions for those will be defined (as a stub) so that way you don’t run into undefined js errors that break the link, so we don’t have a super 1:1 replacement, particularly not in options but you could get really close by doing a filter of exactmetrics_get_ua_code and filtering to return false if the user has not accepted yet. That’d prevent the tracking code from being output. The only thing is that wouldn’t be totally compatible with page caching, unless you did an exclusion of cache based on the presence of cookie (deconf’s that they set on acceptance).
It’s a bit different than what you were doing before, but a different option is in our EU addon we wrote a snippet to integrate the Deconf plugin by listening for the acceptance action and then triggering tracking, but the tracking js file would still be loaded onto the page in that case, it’s just not executed.