less pda like: more white space, margins on sides, menu features like hover effects, maybe a nice logo…ect
what I mean by trust is this: people expect certain things from a webpage… one being straight forward navigation, the other being something which has instant familiarity, or enough design appeal to draw a double take…
surfers are familiar with the most successful designs the first time they look at them….
matter of fact I would go as far as to say this:
if a design doesn’t conform to a familiar format, doesn’t have the instant charm to strike curiosity, or doesn’t have a good balance of both, it needs overhaul… or something to draw those surfers ‘in’ for a closer look….
I like your page- I like the way your posts appear, and I like the way your categories are set-up, but being straight up honest with you my interests derive from the fact I too am a wordpress designer, and I see in your work inspiration for my own… If I stumbled upon your page as a result of a search for content- I wouldn’t find much use for it because it lacks a feel of authenticity.. for the reasons I explained….
no offense intended, just straight forward constructive criticism.