• I’m using
    eshop 6.2.12

    other plugins active are:
    Google XML SitemapsVersion 3.2.6
    Like Version 1.9.6
    WP-PageNavi Version 2.82
    Wp Pagenavi Style Version 1.3
    I’ve done 5 orders now and all I get is the order going through and me landing on the thank you page. There is no download info there and no download info is sent to me.
    I just get 2 e-mails using 2 paypal accounts – one for the “Notification of Payment Received” and a “receipt for the payment”.
    In the orders I have 5 pending.
    I read somewhere that others plugins could affect it – so i deactivated them all and did another order with the same result.
    I also read somewhere else about getting an e-mail to admin..but I have no idea what that is about.
    In the e-mail section i have Automatic Paypal email as active…

    Dear {FIRSTNAME},

    Your order has been received. Thank you!
    The details of your order follow…

    ————— ORDER DETAILS —————


    ————— DOWNLOAD DETAILS —————
    These are available for download via:

    ————— CUSTOMER DETAILS —————


    ————— CONTACT DETAILS —————


    ————— OTHER INFORMATION (if applicable) —————


    If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
    Thank you for ordering with us.

    In the downloads tab in eshop settings i have downloads only : yes
    eshop emails
    By default the Downloads code and url is hidden from the Cash/Bank emails, as they have not been paid for.
    Show Download details in emails:no

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  • can eshop have a minimum amount ordered

    Settings -> eShop -> General -> Product Options pane -> Min/Max Quantities

    Please note that these are numbers of items – not file sizes.

    Thread Starter johnstell


    no i mean price..i’m suggesting
    in the eshop settings where it says Allow zero cost order (yes or no) if you could put a value in there of 24.94 for example.
    I know you don’t have this option – i’m just make a suggestion to build it in for future releases of eshop.

    No. That’s not possible. Sorry.

    Thread Starter johnstell


    i know it’s not possible now – i’m just saying for future reference might be good to have in future updates.

    I’m afraid it’s not something we will be looking to implement.

    is it possible to just click a link and append the code so that the boxes are automatically filled in?
    something like:
    https://xyz.co.uk/downloads/[email protected]&Code=1234ABCD

    Has this already been put into eshop? Has it been achieved or is there any way that I can do this now??

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