eshop auto downloads not working for me
I’m using
eshop 6.2.12other plugins active are:
Google XML SitemapsVersion 3.2.6
Like Version 1.9.6
WP-PageNavi Version 2.82
Wp Pagenavi Style Version 1.3
I’ve done 5 orders now and all I get is the order going through and me landing on the thank you page. There is no download info there and no download info is sent to me.
I just get 2 e-mails using 2 paypal accounts – one for the “Notification of Payment Received” and a “receipt for the payment”.
In the orders I have 5 pending.
I read somewhere that others plugins could affect it – so i deactivated them all and did another order with the same result.
I also read somewhere else about getting an e-mail to admin..but I have no idea what that is about.
In the e-mail section i have Automatic Paypal email as active…
Your order has been received. Thank you!
The details of your order follow…————— ORDER DETAILS —————
These are available for download via:
————— OTHER INFORMATION (if applicable) —————
—If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
Thank you for ordering with us.In the downloads tab in eshop settings i have downloads only : yes
eshop emails
By default the Downloads code and url is hidden from the Cash/Bank emails, as they have not been paid for.
Show Download details in emails:no
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