• I got these errors upon activation. Is this normal?

    New Relic is not running correctly. The plugin has detected the following issues:

    PHP module is not enabled.
    PHP agent is not enabled.
    API Key is invalid.
    Account ID is not configured.
    Application ID is not configured. Enter/Select application name.
    License key could not be detected.

    Please review the settings.

    In order for database caching to work with WooCommerce you must add _wc_session_ to the “Ignored Query Strings” option in W3 Total Cache settings here.

    The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. now to provide a consistent user experience.
    To enable more features you should

    A configuration issue prevents CDN from working: The “Authorization key” and “Replace default hostname with” field cannot be empty.You need to select / create a pull zone. Specify it here.

    Jump to: Main Menu | General | Advanced

    Database caching via disk is currently enabled.

    To rebuild the database cache use the operation.


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