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  • I have the same problem. I’ve been trying to figure out why users can’t checkout if they tick the “create an account” checkbox at checkout. They just get an error that won’t let them proceed, but there isn’t actually any error message! After disabling this plugin the problem was solved. But now I’m likely to get a bunch of spammy registrations again!

    On my site the captcha appears on the registration page, but when I do not complete the error message was empty. I came to this post looking for a solution, I found on my own: entering the admin panel> WooCommerce> no CAPTCHA and adding the error message you want to display when the user does not complete the captcha.

    My problem was stupid, I do not know if you had the same problem.

    As jodamo5 said, the main problem with this plugin is that it’s OK on the main account registration page (=> captcha field is present), but not when you create an account directly while placing an order (=> captcha field not present in form, even though it’s required for submitting).

    I had to disable the plugin too and hope there will be a fix soon.

    I would also like a fix for this. Using the plugin for registrations is useless if a guest can’t create an account when checking out!


    After receiving a lot of spam registrations, i finally found a fix for this. In your theme’s functions.php add these lines :

    // Display Captcha in checkout registration form
    add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_registration_form', array( 'WC_Ncr_Registration_Captcha', 'display_captcha' ));
    // Show Captcha only when 'create account' is checked
    add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_registration_form', 'jr_captcha_class');
    function jr_captcha_class(){
      echo('<script>(function($) { $(".woocommerce-checkout .g-recaptcha").addClass("create-account"); })( jQuery );</script>');

    It’s a bit hacky though. I finally ended up using WordPress ReCaptcha Integration.

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