Errors and other questions
Looks like I have the same problems like the previous but I am not able to figure it out.
1. When I installed the plugin, I get header errors. I deactivate/activate the plugin and I get an error message, see screenshot: I have set the variable products before I installed the plugin. Whenever I set the stock total, it always sets back to ‘No’ and empty total field every time I save the product.
Please help on both!!
Plugin question
Please see these two screenshots: want to understand how this plugin works, I thought it would work like the case you pointed out on Stackoverflow. I set the variables into 2 tiers. 1st tier is the duration of the room stay and 2nd is the room type being sold. The total quantity available is 2 only. Where can I put the total quantity when the plugin asks for a total quantity for each variable product? Instead of 2, I might have 4 instead.
Please help!
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