Error: You are missing: jpegtran, optipng, gifsicle, pngquant
EWWW Image Optimizer uses jpegtran, optipng, pngout, pngquant, gifsicle, and cwebp. You are missing: jpegtran, optipng, gifsicle, pngquant. Please install via the Settings Page or the Installation Instructions.
Plugin Status: Require Attention
Total Savings:
If updated versions are available below, you may need to enable write permission on the G:\PleskVhosts\\wordpress/wp-content/ewww/ folder to use the automatic installs.
*Updates are optional, but may contain increased optimization or security patchesjpegtran: Missing
optipng: Missing
gifsicle: Missing
pngquant: Missing
safe mode: Off??exec(): Enabled??
Graphics libraries – only need one, used for conversion, not optimization
GD: Installed??Gmagick: Missing??Imagick: Missing??Imagemagick ‘convert’: Missing
Only need one of these:
finfo: Missing??getimagesize(): Installed??mime_content_type(): MissingFiles at “wp-content/ewww” location,
pngquant.exeHosting: Godaddy (Windows Server)
Php Version: 5.4
Wordpress Version: 4.4
Ewww Version: 2.5.4Please suggest, how to fix this issue.
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