• bkerensa


    I have followed all the WPBook upgrade steps and when I do a new post on WordPress I get the follow WPBook error:

    No post id returned from Facebook, $fb_response was /n and $fb_page_type was and $wpbook_description was

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  • John Eckman


    Typically this is a misconfiguration error.

    What does your “check permissions” screen show? (WordPress settings->WPBook->Stream/Wall Options->check permissions)

    What are the “Profile ID” and “Page ID” set to as publishing targets?

    Are you trying to post to a profile page or a fan page, or both?

    Thread Starter bkerensa


    Check Permissions just redirects to my Facebook App Canvas Page…

    Page ID target is 155670987797696

    as for profile target I had publishing disabled for that since I just post to the wall of my fan page….. mysteriously this all was working fine before the changes to the new Oath and facebook stuff…. no idea… I followed all the Upgrade steps exactly and have double checked settings on both ends.

    John Eckman


    Well, if Check Permissions just redirects to your canvas page much more bad is at stake.

    You can disable publishing for the profile target, but you still must provide a profile ID! – it is your profile which is stored and against which permissions can be granted.

    What’s the URL of your app?

    John Eckman


    BTW it’s no mystery it worked before the change to OAuth – it’s a fundamentally different model of how to grant and store permissions. You’ll definitely need to regrant permissions once you make the change.

    If the “check permissions” link fails nothing else is going to work.

    Thread Starter bkerensa


    I have my profile target as: 645228159



    I’m having the exact same problem. Here are the contents of wpbook_pub_debug.txt:
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : No access token
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : publish_to_facebook running, target_admin is 1342190997
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : Post ID is 1264
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : My permalink is https://practicalshepherding.com/2011/03/23/how-do-i-prepare-scripture-readings-for-a-funeral/
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : Function does not exist, or no thumb
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : Post thumbail is
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : Publishing to personal wall, admin is 1342190997
    2011-03-23 22:55:09 : Publishing as excerpt, is

    What do I need to do to regrant permissions? all of the permissions look fine to me. (But I don’t really know what I’m looking for.) Is there a problem with the “No access token” line?




    Never mind me. It’s amazing what happens when you read the instructions, isn’t it?

    [email protected]


    The following is the message I am agetting:

    Caught exception in stream publish for user: Error validating access token.Error code: 0

    My website, and fb app, is spokenstories.org

    Let me know


    What’s the url of your blog outside Facebook, and the app inside FB?

    IF your “check permissions” page just loads your app, that would suggest wpbook isn’t being activated and maybe the canvas url is wrong.

    Do you see, on your canvas page (apps.facebook.com/appname/) your blog in the wpbook theme, or just your blog as it normal is, wrapped in an iFrame?

    @nasir[email protected]

    What does your “check permissions” page say?

    [email protected]


    It worked after upgrading it. One more question though…How come the ‘read more’ button is missing at the bottom of the post. There are only two buttons…’Like’ and ‘Comment’…See it here:




    Please start a different thread for the missing “Read Me” button

    BTW, the “Read More” button is fixed in 2.2

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