• Resolved mubiesam


    Had a multisites, previously setup wp-mail-smtp successfully for 3 sites.
    But while trying to add another 2 sites recently, got “error while processing the authentication request.” Meanwhile, no way to send a test email since the “Send Email” button is blocked.
    Had verified the Google API credentials, all Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URI are same as previous 3 sites.

    Any suggestion where to look into, highly appreciate

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  • Hi mubiesam,

    I apologize as I’m not sure I fully understand your situation. But I’ll do my best based on my understanding ??

    It sounds like you have a multisite network, and are trying to set up WP Mail SMTP for each site within that. In this case, here are the steps I’d recommend:

    1) Install WP Mail SMTP at the network level
    2) Activate WP Mail SMTP at the individual site level
    3) Complete the setup process for WP Mail SMTP for each site individually. It sounds like you’re using the Google mailer, so in this case you’d go through the steps in our Google mailer tutorial separately for each of these sites.

    In many cases, even just going back through each step one-by-one will allow you to catch something that might have been missed (Google’s API is super picky that each step be done exactly as described in our tutorial).

    I hope this helps! ??

    Thread Starter mubiesam


    Sorry for late response, I was on a trip.

    I did Install WP Mail SMTP at the network level, BUT network activated, then setup WP Mail SMTP for each site individually. Do I need to reinstall?

    The point is, I had previously setup wp-mail-smtp successfully for 3 sites, received email without problem, but the “From Email” received only from [email protected] , not as [email protected] , although I had changed the Support email to [email protected] in the OAuth consent screen of Credentials in APIs & Services.

    Now the problem is, for the new site that I’m trying to setup, got “error while processing the authentication request” while trying to “Allow plugin to send emails using your Google account”

    Meanwhile, there is another error message…
    EMAIL DELIVERY ERROR: the plugin WP Mail SMTP v1.4.2 logged this error during the last time it tried to send an email:

    Mailer: Gmail
    “error”: {
    “errors”: [
    “domain”: “global”,
    “reason”: “required”,
    “message”: “Login Required”,
    “locationType”: “header”,
    “location”: “Authorization”
    “code”: 401,
    “message”: “Login Required”

    I had login WP as both [email protected] and [email protected], but same error for the new site.

    Another error message while trying to login using Google account [email protected] via plugins/super-socializer…
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Google_Utils_URITemplate’ not found in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/super-socializer/library/Google/Http/REST.php:165 Stack trace: #0 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/super-socializer/library/Google/Resource.php(191): Google_Http_REST::createRequestUri(‘gmail/v1/users/’, ‘{userId}/messag…’, Array) #1 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/Gmail/Resource/UsersMessages.php(197): Google_Service_Resource->call(‘send’, Array, ‘Google_Service_…’) #2 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/src/Providers/Gmail/Mailer.php(94): Google_Service_Gmail_Resource_UsersMessages->send(‘me’, Object(Google_Service_Gmail_Message)) #3 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/src/MailCatcher.php(105): WPMailSMTP\Providers\Gmail\Mailer->send() #4 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php(481): WPMailSMTP\MailCat in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/super-socializer/library/Google/Http/REST.php on line 165

    Hi mubiesam,

    Thanks for the details!

    Based on your description, it doesn’t sound like there’s any need to reinstall. It also sounds like you’re using the Google mailer, rather than the Other SMTP mailer like I had thought in my first reply.

    My recommendation is to redo the full setup of the app in your Google account. I apologize as this is likely frustrating, however the error that you’re receiving will almost always mean that there was some sort of configuration issue during that process.

    So to be clear — the best next step is to create a brand new app in Google using the Gmail/G Suite account that you want as the From Email. Then you’ll need to copy the new Client ID and Client Secret into your WP Mail SMTP settings. In case it helps, here’s our tutorial that walks through these steps.

    If you intend to use a different From Email in each site on your multisite install, then you will need to repeat this app setup process separately on each of those Google accounts. Personally, I find it easiest to just set up a separate app for each site either way.

    I hope this helps!

    Thread Starter mubiesam


    Hi Jess @jquigam

    Thanks for the detail instruction, but seems the same error is still there.

    I had deactivated/reactivated the WP Mail SMTP plugin, and DELETED all the previous Credentials in my Google APIs (but can not delete “OAuth consent screen”). Meanwhile, it is selected from an existing project “booking” which is the GCP/Bitnami platform for my multisite WP project.

    After that, followed the instruction on https://wpforms.com/how-to-securely-send-wordpress-emails-using-gmail-smtp/
    BUT, still got the same error “There was an error while processing the authentication request. Please try again.”

    Any suggestion that I should look into…

    Thread Starter mubiesam


    Hi Jess @jquigam

    As mentioned, “OAuth consent screen” can not be deleted, since it is marked “Published” in the Verification status, with the Support email [email protected] while it is “Submit for verification”.

    If I try to change the Support email to [email protected], Verification status will be changed to Needs verification.

    Is this any way related to WP Mail SMTP “From Email”?

    Thanks for your help.

    Hi mubiesam,

    I apologize, but I’m not sure I understand everything you’ve tried so far. But the important thing is just sticking to the tutorial.

    If you feel that you’ve followed our tutorial exactly, and are still running into issues, then the best next step will be to switch to a different mailer.

    Google’s API in some cases can run into odd challenges, and generally if you switch to another mailer you will not see these same issues.

    I hope this helps!

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