error while adding media
When trying to add media, I always get this error:
Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.”
When i disable the plugin, the media is added without errors!
I have the latest version of WordPress and your plugin.
PHP v7.4. Centos 8. Selinux without errors. php-imagick and imagick are installed.
Hi @vadimtet,
Thanks for reaching out.
In order to be able to further investigate the issue you’re experiencing, may I kindly ask you to provide me with the following details:
- A system report with some images added to the report
- The hosting company you are using
- The packages you are using
- Some information via logs, you can follow those steps
Looking forward to your update.
LoicHello. I discovered the reason. This is a plugin that conflicts with the Cloudinary plugin.
do you have any recommendations for resolving this conflict?1. system report:
{ "system_status": { "home": "", "wordpress": "5.7", "php": "7.4.16", "php_extensions": [ "Core", "date", "libxml", "openssl", "pcre", "zlib", "filter", "hash", "Reflection", "SPL", "session", "standard", "cgi-fcgi", "imagick", "bz2", "calendar", "ctype", "curl", "dom", "mbstring", "fileinfo", "ftp", "gd", "gettext", "iconv", "json", "ldap", "exif", "mysqlnd", "odbc", "PDO", "Phar", "posix", "shmop", "SimpleXML", "snmp", "soap", "sockets", "sodium", "sqlite3", "sysvmsg", "sysvsem", "sysvshm", "tokenizer", "xml", "xmlwriter", "xsl", "mcrypt", "mysqli", "pdo_mysql", "PDO_ODBC", "pdo_sqlite", "xmlreader", "xmlrpc", "zip", "mysql", "Zend OPcache" ] }, "theme_status": { "name": "Twenty Twenty-One", "version": "1.2", "author": "the WordPress team", "author_url": "", "child_theme": false }, "plugins_report": { "must_use": [], "plugins": [ { "Name": "Akismet Anti-Spam", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "4.1.9", "Description": "Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to <strong>protect your blog from spam</strong>. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key. <cite>By <a href=\"\">Automattic</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">Automattic</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "akismet", "DomainPath": "", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "", "RequiresPHP": "", "Title": "<a href=\"\">Akismet Anti-Spam</a>", "AuthorName": "Automattic" }, { "Name": "Classic Editor", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "1.6", "Description": "Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports the older plugins that extend this screen. <cite>By <a href=\"\">WordPress Contributors</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">WordPress Contributors</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "classic-editor", "DomainPath": "/languages", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "4.9", "RequiresPHP": "5.2.4", "Title": "<a href=\"\">Classic Editor</a>", "AuthorName": "WordPress Contributors" }, { "Name": "Cloudinary", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "2.7.0", "Description": "With the Cloudinary plugin, you can upload and manage your media assets in the cloud, then deliver them to your users through a fast content delivery network, improving your website\u2019s loading speed and overall user experience. Apply multiple transformations and take advantage of a full digital asset management solution without leaving WordPress. <cite>By <a href=\"\">Cloudinary Ltd., XWP</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">Cloudinary Ltd., XWP</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "cloudinary", "DomainPath": "/languages", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "", "RequiresPHP": "", "Title": "<a href=\"\">Cloudinary</a>", "AuthorName": "Cloudinary Ltd., XWP" }, { "Name": "Rename XMLRPC", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "1.1", "Description": "Make XML-RPC work if you rename the file. Some hosts block access to xmlrpc.php file making it impossible to use <cite>By <a href=\"\">Jorge Bernal</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">Jorge Bernal</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "rename-xml-rpc", "DomainPath": "", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "", "RequiresPHP": "", "Title": "<a href=\"\">Rename XMLRPC</a>", "AuthorName": "Jorge Bernal" }, { "Name": "Yoast SEO", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "16.1.1", "Description": "The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more. <cite>By <a href=\"\">Team Yoast</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">Team Yoast</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "wordpress-seo", "DomainPath": "/languages/", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "5.6", "RequiresPHP": "5.6.20", "Title": "<a href=\"\">Yoast SEO</a>", "AuthorName": "Team Yoast" }, { "Name": "WP Gatsby", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "1.0.8", "Description": "Optimize your WordPress site to be a source for Gatsby sites. <cite>By <a href=\"\">GatsbyJS, Jason Bahl, Tyler Barnes</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">GatsbyJS, Jason Bahl, Tyler Barnes</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "wp-gatsby", "DomainPath": "/languages/", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "5.4.2", "RequiresPHP": "7.3", "Title": "WP Gatsby", "AuthorName": "GatsbyJS, Jason Bahl, Tyler Barnes" }, { "Name": "WP GraphQL", "PluginURI": "", "Version": "1.3.5", "Description": "GraphQL API for WordPress <cite>By <a href=\"\">WPGraphQL</a>.</cite>", "Author": "<a href=\"\">WPGraphQL</a>", "AuthorURI": "", "TextDomain": "wp-graphql", "DomainPath": "/languages/", "Network": false, "RequiresWP": "5.0", "RequiresPHP": "7.1", "Title": "<a href=\"\">WP GraphQL</a>", "AuthorName": "WPGraphQL" } ] }, "config_report": { "cloudinary": [], "about": [], "usage": null, "last_usage": { "plan": "Free", "last_updated": "2021-04-07", "transformations": { "usage": 1, "credits_usage": 0 }, "objects": { "usage": 90 }, "bandwidth": { "usage": 568887, "credits_usage": 0 }, "storage": { "usage": 23366924, "credits_usage": 0.02 }, "credits": { "usage": 0.02, "limit": 25, "used_percent": 0.08 }, "requests": 568887, "resources": 20, "derived_resources": 70, "media_limits": { "image_max_size_bytes": 10485760, "video_max_size_bytes": 104857600, "raw_max_size_bytes": 10485760, "image_max_px": 25000000, "asset_max_total_px": 50000000 }, "max_image_size": 10485760, "max_video_size": 104857600 }, "signature": "c87cbfc52a8f525f5dd06136c2426430", "version": null, "url": null, "status": { "status": "ok" }, "media_display": { "image_optimization": "on", "image_format": "auto", "image_quality": "auto", "enable_breakpoints": "on", "breakpoints": "3", "bytes_step": "200", "max_width": "2048", "min_width": "800", "image_preview": "", "video_player": "cld", "video_controls": "on", "video_loop": "off", "video_autoplay_mode": "off", "video_limit_bitrate": "on", "video_bitrate": "500", "video_optimization": "on", "video_format": "auto", "video_quality": "auto" }, "setup": { "enable_report": "on" }, "sync_media": { "auto_sync": "on", "cloudinary_folder": "wp-test/", "offload": "dual_full" }, "gallery": { "transition": "fade", "aspectRatio": "3:4", "navigation": "always", "zoom": true, "carouselLocation": "top", "carouselOffset": 5, "carouselStyle": "thumbnails", "displayProps": { "mode": "classic" }, "indicatorProps": { "shape": "round" }, "themeProps": { "primary": "#cf2e2e", "onPrimary": "#000000", "active": "#777777" }, "zoomProps": { "type": "popup", "viewerPosition": "bottom", "trigger": "click" }, "thumbnailProps": { "width": 64, "height": 64, "navigationShape": "radius", "selectedStyle": "gradient", "selectedBorderPosition": "all", "selectedBorderWidth": 4, "mediaSymbolShape": "round" }, "transformation": { "crop": "pad", "background": "rgb:FFFFFF" }, "cloudName": "teteva", "container": "" } } }
2. hosting company –
3. `akismet | active | none | 4.1.9 |
| classic-editor | active | none | 1.6 |
| cloudinary-image-management-and-manipulation-in-the-cloud-cdn | active | none | 2.7.0 |
| rename-xml-rpc | active | none | 1.1 |
| wp-gatsby | active | none | 1.0.8 |
| wp-graphql | active | none | 1.3.5 |
| wordpress-seo | active | none | 16.1.1`I’m also experiencing this same conflict with wpgraphql. Did you manage to resolve it in the end?
Hi @vadimtet,
Sorry for only replying now, your response didn’t go through our ticketing system.
May I ask you to upgrade to
which is the latest version? If it is still persisting, may I ask you to set the Sync Setting to Manual Sync – upload the image to WP and then Push it to Cloudinary manually.@bonzalika, may I ask you to also share a system report and try the instruction above?
Thanks in advance.
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