• Got this error when I upgraded automatically from 2.7.1 to 2.8:

    Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]: data error in /home/acctname/public_html/wp-includes/http.php on line 1787

    I don’t know what the effect is, everything seems to be running fine, but I got this error on all my WP blogs. Also, after the upgrade, WP didn’t ask to upgrade the database….

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  • I’m getting the same error, only my admin section. I did an upgrade automatically and manually, and after that didn’t work, I deleted everything and did a fresh install, and I’m still getting the error message. No active plugins, using Default theme.

    I wonder if it’s XAMPP related, as I was able to upgrade three hosted WordPress blogs no problem. I noticed the second person who posted in this thread is also using XAMPP. Anyone else?

    Editing out the offending line (#1787) seems to remove the errors and everything runs just fine. Not sure what the consequences are for getting rid of that line though.

    Just tried a quick fix and it seemed to work for now:

    Changed line 1787 from

    $decompressed = gzinflate( $compressed );


    if (false !== $compressed) $decompressed = gzinflate( $compressed );

    The idea being that the error said it was a data error, so that line must not like whatever is coming through in that $compressed variable.

    This might be a better solution than just deleting. That way if some other functions need to use that $compressed variable, it should still work. Right?

    I just checked my wordpress error_log file and see these:

    [18-Jun-2009 14:09:22] PHP Warning:  gzuncompress() [<a href='function.gzuncompress'>function.gzuncompress</a>]: data error in /home/alove4ho/public_html/wp-includes/http.php on line 1792
    [18-Jun-2009 14:09:22] PHP Warning:  gzinflate() [<a href='function.gzinflate'>function.gzinflate</a>]: data error in /home/alove4ho/public_html/wp-includes/http.php on line 1787
    [18-Jun-2009 14:10:15] PHP Warning:  gzuncompress() [<a href='function.gzuncompress'>function.gzuncompress</a>]: data error in /home/alove4ho/public_html/wp-includes/http.php on line 1792

    I just upgraded to WordPress 2.8 from 2.7.

    What to do to stop these errors? My blog site looks/acts fine for now.

    One more strange thing. Even with all these fixes – I get this error everytime I first load the page. But if I refresh, it goes away.

    Maybe all those fixes weren’t doing anything, it was just the refresh. What does that mean?

    I think we have useful informations about 2.8 update in this article:


    It was an internal issue, but now the bug is fixed, see the last.fm plugin page: https://rick.jinlabs.com/code/lastfm

    RickGC, Can you explain what we need to do? I am not a programmer. Do I copy your entire file and paste into mine? Do I need to delete anything in mine? Thanks!

    wildbug, if you can’t wait for the next WP version just overwrite your http.inc file (in wp-includes) with my file (or just copy&paste the entire file, as you said)


    Did upgrading to the newest (beta) version 2.8.1 fix this problem?

    I am using XAMPP as a local server with WordPress 2.8.
    Everything was fine for a couple of days and then I got the line 1787 error messages when going into the dashboard – the site looked fine but the dashboard had all the error messages at the top and the various sections were all over the place. looked as though the CSS positioning had been turned off!

    I tried several of the suggestions, which have been posted but none worked.

    Finally tried your suggestion of deleting line 1787… last resort… and it worked.

    Dashboard looks fine now.

    Anybody solved it yet?

    Is there a bug in 2.8 or is it the combination of XAMPP and WordPress?

    Thanks RickGC but I’m still confused. When I said copy and paste your file, I was referring to your “10163.diff” file that was on your help ticket. But you seem to be implying that I take the http.rar file that has since been uploaded to that linked page and overwrite the http.inc file. Only problem is I can’t find an http.inc file. I only see an http.php file! Can you walk me through it from a complete novice’s point of view? Sorry to be so clueless! ??

    Sorry, wildbug, I mean http.php
    Just overwrite the original file with the one in my plugin page…

    Thanks RickGC
    So are you saying to overwrite the http.php file with your http.rar file? Because I tried that and it messed everything up. (It doesn’t make sense to me why I would replace a file that reads like normal code with one that is all symbols…?)

    Since I am such a newbie at this, it’d be helpful if you could use specific names when referring to files so I know I’m not messing up. For example: “Replace http.php file with http.rar file” Instead of overwrite original with the one on my page…because there are several attachments and being a non-programmer none of it makes sense to me.

    Anyway, it didn’t work well for me. If you or anyone else has any other suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!

    I posted the fix on my site. Right-click on the link below and save, change the name to http.php, and overwrite the current one in your wp-includes folder. You should only need this if you’re running 2.8. I believe this fix will be included in 2.8.1.


    I wouldn’t bother with patching anything – just download and install WP 2.8.1 RC. The latest is RC2 and it seems to be pretty stable.

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