• Resolved garrettw


    I installed both the Neve FSE theme and the Orbit Fox plugin, and enabled the latter. Current theme is Twenty Twenty-Three. When I attempted to “Live Preview” the Neve FSE theme, I got the following error which seems to be caused by Orbit Fox:

    Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /redacted/wp-includes/capabilities.php:877
    Stack trace:
    #0 /redacted/wp-includes/theme-previews.php(17): current_user_can()
    #1 /redacted/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): wp_get_theme_preview_path()
    #2 /redacted/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #3 /redacted/wp-includes/theme.php(317): apply_filters()
    #4 /redacted/wp-includes/theme.php(328): get_template()
    #5 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/core/app/abstract/class-orbit-fox-module-abstract.php(737): get_template_directory()
    #6 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/obfx_modules/companion-legacy/init.php(72): Orbit_Fox_Module_Abstract->get_active_theme_dir()
    #7 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/obfx_modules/companion-legacy/init.php(41): Companion_Legacy_OBFX_Module->is_zerif()
    #8 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/core/app/class-orbit-fox-module-factory.php(32): Companion_Legacy_OBFX_Module->__construct()
    #9 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/core/includes/class-orbit-fox.php(132): Orbit_Fox_Module_Factory::build()
    #10 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/core/includes/class-orbit-fox.php(76): Orbit_Fox->prepare_modules()
    #11 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/themeisle-companion.php(67): Orbit_Fox->__construct()
    #12 /redacted/wp-content/plugins/themeisle-companion/themeisle-companion.php(119): run_orbit_fox()
    #13 /redacted/wp-settings.php(407): include_once('...')
    #14 /redacted/wp-config.php(9): require_once('...')
    #15 /redacted/wp-load.php(55): require_once('...')
    #16 /redacted/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once('...')
    #17 /redacted/wp-admin/site-editor.php(12): require_once('...')
    #18 {main}
      thrown in /redacted/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 877

    I did a bit of Googling and I don’t know if it’s helpful or applicable in this situation, but I found this:

    wp_get_current_user() is a pluggable function and not yet available when your plugin is included. You have to wait for the action plugins_loaded.

    from this post on StackOverflow
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  • Plugin Support Stefan Cotitosu


    Hi @garrettw,

    Thank you for using Orbit Fox!

    I’ve tried replicating the same issue and I’m not able to do so. All the modules of the Orbit Fox plugin are enabled and the Neve FSE theme is active, PHP version 8.0, WordPress 6.3.2.

    Would it be possible to share the exact steps that need to be performed to replicate the issue?


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