• Everything was working fine, but now I cannot save the Guide (Page Order).

    I have 116 Sections.
    I can add a new Section.
    I can reposition the new section in the hierarchy.

    But, when I press Save to Save the new position, the page refreshes as normal but the new position is not saved.

    Instead, the plugin displays the error:
    “Warning: Guide name could not be blank”

    The guide name is not blank.
    I have checked all the section data, and all have all three required values.
    I see no errors in the browser console.

    If I DELETE a few sections from the end of the list, then SAVE the list, the bug disappears.
    If I add new sections to the list, the bug reappears at the same point: 115 records.

    The database appears to be correct:

    documentor table

    doc_id	post_id
    1	2997

    documentor sections table

    sec_id	doc_id	post_id	type	upvote	downvote	slug
    1	1	2998	0	0	0	start
    2	1	3002	0	0	0	requesting-membership
    3	1	3003	0	0	0	configure-your-profile
    4	1	3004	0	0	0	logging-in-and-out
    5	1	3005	0	0	0	configure-a-user-account
    6	1	3006	0	0	0	new-user-notifications
    7	1	3007	0	0	0	approving-a-new-user
    8	1	3008	0	0	0	oversings-requirements
    9	1	3025	0	0	0	the-user-interface
    10	1	3026	0	0	0	search-and-advanced-search

    106	1	3261	0	0	0	the-outline-tree-view
    107	1	3262	0	0	0	the-board-view
    108	1	3263	0	0	0	the-column-view-single-stack
    109	1	3264	0	0	0	the-timeline-gantt-view
    110	1	3265	0	0	0	task-panel-views
    111	1	3266	0	0	0	the-pad-view
    114	1	3273	0	0	0	for-protocols-medicaldental
    115	1	3274	0	0	0	working-together
    116	1	3275	0	0	0	driving-your-organization-sprints

    ERROR OCCURS HERE: guide.php

    //save all sections of guide
    		public static function save_sections() {
    			check_ajax_referer( 'documentor-sections-nonce', 'sections_nonce' );
    			global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
    			$sorders = ( isset( $_POST['reorders-output'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['reorders-output']) : '';
    			$docid = ( isset( $_POST['docid'] ) ) ? intval($_POST['docid']) : '';
    			$docpostid= ( isset( $_POST['doc_postid'] ) ) ? intval($_POST['doc_postid']) : '0';
    			$sectionsarr = ( isset( $_POST['sectionObj'] ) ) ? $_POST['sectionObj'] : '';
    			$doc_title = ( isset( $_POST['guidename'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['guidename']) : '';
    			if( empty( $doc_title ) ) {
    				_e("Warning: Guide name could not be blank","documentorlite");


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  • Hello @curtdoolittle

    Thanks for writing to us.
    Our support team is communicating with you on ticket system. Please check ticket.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best Regards,

    Hi Sagar

    I am having the exact same problem. Was this issue ever resolved?

    During my own exploration of the issue, I made the rash decision to hardcode a string value in else clause of this line:

    $doc_title = ( isset( $_POST[‘guidename’] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘guidename’]) : ”;

    so it looked like this

    $doc_title = ( isset( $_POST[‘guidename’] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘guidename’]) : ‘ASDF’;

    And that had the effect of deleting the content of the sections table, much to my chagrin.

    I’d be most appreciative if you could help with this issue. I was quite pleased with the module up until this point.

    Best regards

    Thanks Sagar for the suggestion : “If the php settings for post_max_var is set as low, it breaks.”

    Hi, i am new to wordpress.

    I am trying Documentor, i see the error “Warning, Guide name could not be blank” when i try to save after ordering the nodes.

    Can some on help on this…

    Thanks in advance

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