• Resolved Turritops


    I have 9 wordpress sites defined in Analytics under three different accounts. They all have one and only one administrator and it’s the same admin for all accounts, properites and views. I have no problem connecting six of the sites to Site Kit Analytics but three gives the error “Error: User does not have sufficient permissions for this account.”. This only affect Analytics, Search Console is working for all nine.

    The three error sites/properties have all in common that they have been moved from their own accounts to a common account. During the move I selected to replace all rights and I can’t see any differences in the rights between the three that gives an error and a fourth property in the account that is working. Full heritage is active so the same rights is applied on all four properties. Please advise.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • @turritops thanks for your topic and the details. Some checks that may help:

    1) Is the Google account you’re using with Site Kit the same as the administrator for the properties in your Analytics account (including the three sites/ properties that have the error)?

    2) For a site with the error, in an incognito browser could you reset Site Kit, proceed through the setup process and attempt to connect Analytics.

    3) If the error persists, could you provide screenshots of any browser console errors you might see?

    You can provide a link to screenshots using a service like Imgur or Jumpshare.

    Thread Starter Turritops


    Thank you for your answer.

    1. Yes. “They all have one and only one administrator and it’s the same admin for all accounts, properites and views.” I use the same account when connecting to Google Analytics and it works for six out of nine sites.
    2. Same result.
    3. https://imgur.com/a/PgKI1A2

    @turritops thanks for the follow up/ confirmation. It sounds like you’re experiencing this issue that we’re currently investigating.

    If possible, could you provide your Site Health information for a site with the issue and a site without the issue on the common account to compare? There is Site Kit specific information that will let us know the status of the connection as well.

    Thread Starter Turritops


    @reneesoffice thank you for the update! I’ll provide health info for two sites. Blog.elof.com is working and the “native” property for the Privat account. [ redundant link removed ] is not working and the property is moved from it’s own account to the Privat account.

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    Site Kit by Google: version: 1.8.1, author: Google
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    ### wp-themes-inactive (6) ###
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    Twenty Fourteen: version: 2.8, author: WordPress teamet
    Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.5, author: WordPress-teamet
    Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.1, author: WordPress-teamet
    Twenty Thirteen: version: 3.0, author: WordPress-teamet
    Twenty Twenty: version: 1.3, author: WordPress-teamet
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    Host Google Fonts Locally: version: 1.0.3, author: Fonts Plugin
    No Category Base (WPML): version: 1.3, author: Marios Alexandrou
    Official Facebook Pixel: version: 2.0.2, author: Facebook
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    analytics_account_id: none
    analytics_property_id: none
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    analytics_use_snippet: yes
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Formatting
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    @turritops thanks so much for these details.

    For the Analytics account and property with the issue, could you confirm the levels of user permissions the Google Account (email) you’re using with Site Kit has under the following in the Admin area of the Analytics account:

    1) Account User Management
    2) Property User Management
    3) View User Management

    Here’s an example of what the permissions screens will look like. If you’d like to provide the three permissions screens via screenshots that would be great too.

    @turritops note to please obscure/hide your email if you provide screenshots if there is no name for the user.

    Thread Starter Turritops


    Hi @reneesoffice

    Thank you for the reply. Please see:

    View post on imgur.com

    @turritops many thanks! We’ll share this with the team and update you when we have more information.

    I have the same issue for an Analytics account that was recently transferred to me. The permissions all look correct (as per screenshots above), but I get the same message.

    @mattgeri thanks for the info! We’re investigating this currently and trying to recreate the problem on our side to address the issue. Could you share any known details about the account or steps that were taken to transfer the account to you in the Github issue? Would be super helpful!

    @turritops Hello! We released a fix for this issue in the most recent version 1.12.0. Can you please update to the new version and inform us if the issue persists? Thank you.

    Thread Starter Turritops


    @luckynasan thank you for the update. I can confirm that Site Kit now works for all sites, thank you! I needed to reset the settings and reconfigure the plugin from start but now everyghing seems to work as it should.

    Thread Starter Turritops



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