• Multiple users who have logged in successfully before (using SSO through PrimeTime’s SSO plugin) that after logging out and back in he is getting the following error when trying to get to our discourse install. “Error updating information, contact site admin” A screenshot can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ts6fmqn6y42frih/Screen%20Shot%202015-05-16%20at%208.47.25%20am.png?dl=0

    I am able to impersonate the user via Discourse without issues.

    When I login as the user in wordpress and click over to Discourse I receive the same error message on multiple browsers even after the browser cache is cleared.

    In the log file I’m getting: “Job exception: 400 Bad Request”

    And my Discourse version is: v1.3.0.beta9 +15 running on a linode VPS.

    Any thoughts on how I can fix this or further troubleshoot this?


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