• Resolved qaleelan


    I have a problem to log in into the site admin of my website.
    The website can be load successfully. It just that I cannot enter the admin site and got this message on the screen instead;

    Warning: require(/home/content/89/7704989/html/wp-includes/class-json.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/89/7704989/html/wp-content/plugins/admin-menu-editor/includes/shadow_plugin_framework.php on line 21

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/content/89/7704989/html/wp-includes/class-json.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php’) in /home/content/89/7704989/html/wp-content/plugins/admin-menu-editor/includes/shadow_plugin_framework.php on line 21

    I did search through in the previous topics in the forum discussion but can’t find any solved issue of this kind.

    I use godaddy hosting and have contacted them. They claimed that the problem is not from their site.

    What can I do to fix this?

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  • Thread Starter qaleelan


    by the way, forgot to mention that I’m using wordpress 3.1.2

    Thread Starter qaleelan


    but the problem now is that I cant even enter the the admin site.
    when I typed the address.com/wp-admin, I got the error page appear instead. I can even enter my username and password. What can I do since I cannot go to the dashboard page..?

    Thread Starter qaleelan


    just to add some more information. I have a test page that using the same version of wordpress. I have no problem to enter the admin site of this test page. It just that the domain site that have problems. So, what could be the problem?

    It sounds like maybe your site was hacked or it is a plugin error. Is your public site working alright? No signs of being hacked?
    Can you somehow get into the back end of your wordpress site through FTP or your web host? Through FTP or web host, make copies of all plugins. Then delete the contents of every plugin’s main php file. Delete everything in the plugin from <?php to ?>
    Do this on EVERY plugin!

    Thread Starter qaleelan


    Thank you for the reply.
    I try did this :

    Through FTP or web host, make copies of all plugins. Then delete the contents of every plugin’s main php file. Delete everything in the plugin from <?php to ?>

    and it works. ??
    the problems is with ‘admin-menu-editor’ plugin. I delete the content in the main php file and only then I manage to enter the admin site.
    Problem solved. ??

    Glad it helped qaleelan!

    I know how it is; my site was one white page for an hour or so and I panicked like crazy until it was back again!

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