• Resolved Feast Design Co.


    When installing the plugin and starting the setup, the only option is:
    “Sign in with Google”

    However, when selecting the account that’s link to GSC+GA, it simply says:

    Sorry, something went wrong there. Try again.

    Trying again does not resolve the issue.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @feastdesignco,

    Thanks for getting in touch. So we can ensure you are able to complete Site Kit set up please share the following:

    1. Your Site Health information. You can use this form to share privately if preferred.
    2. When attempting set up from a Chrome browser incognito window can you share the URL you land back on where you see this error, long with any browser console errors from the same page? Alternatively you can share a screen recording of your experience using a service such as Loom or RecordIt. You can share this privately using the form suggest above when sharing your Site Health information.

    Once we have the above information we can advise on the next steps, which may include third party plugin configurations or modifications at host level.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @feastdesignco,

    I’m just following up with you check whether you’ve had time to perform the above suggested check, while also sharing your Site Health information. Let me know the outcome if so, or ask if you have any questions.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    As we didn’t receive a response I’ll mark this as resolved. Feel free to open a new support topic if you continue to encounter issues, or reopen this topic and we’d be happy to assist.

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