• Resolved blueicehaller


    I know there exist many topics regarding SIGXCPU.
    In my case the file backup Job fails.

    From the Webhosting Provider User Interface I can display the following information:
    (Sorry only in German)
    Arbeitsspeicher: 13 MB RAM
    CPU-Zeit: 8 Sekunden
    Skriptlaufzeit: 180 Sekunden

    Die oben angegebenen Werte stehen Ihnen pro Skript zur Verfügung. Sofern diese nicht ausreichend sind und zu einem Abbruch eines Skriptes führen, sollten Sie eine Optimierung des Skriptes und/oder ein Upgrade auf einen Tarif mit h?heren Skriptlimits in Erw?gung ziehen.

    BackWPup > Settings > Jobs:
    Maximum number of retries for job steps: 3
    Maximum script execution time: 0 seconds
    Reduce server load: Maximum

    BackWPUp > Settings > Infomation > Get debug Info
    WordPress version: 5.1.6
    BackWPup version: 3.7.1
    PHP version: 7.3.6 (32bit)
    MySQL version: 5.6.19-67.0-log
    cURL version: 7.55.1
    cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.2l
    WP-Cron url: https:// XXX /wp-cron.php
    Server self connect: Response Test O.K.
    Document root: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012
    Temp folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-db155e-temp/
    Log folder: /kunden/XXX/logs/backwpup/
    Server: Apache/2.4.41
    Operating System: Linux
    PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
    Current PHP user: u210753
    Maximum execution time: 120 seconds
    BackWPup maximum script execution time: 0 seconds
    Alternative WP Cron: Off
    Disabled WP Cron: Off
    CHMOD Dir: 0755
    Server Time: 10:44
    Blog Time: 12:44
    Blog Timezone:
    Blog Time offset: 2 hours
    Blog language: en-US
    MySQL Client encoding:
    PHP Memory limit: 256M
    WP memory limit: 40M
    WP maximum memory limit: 256M
    Memory in use: 26.00 MB
    Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, session, soap, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib

    Can you please check if I can change anything or if I need to contact the Support of the Webhosting Provider?

    Thank you in advance.

    [INFO] BackWPup 3.7.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress 5.1.6 on https:// XXX
    [INFO] Log Level: Debug
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Deteien-Backup am 1. und 15. des Monats; FILE
    [INFO] Runs with user: (0)
    [INFO] Cron: 0 3 1,15 * *; Next: Mi, 15 Jul 2020 @ 03:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 7.3.6 (32bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.6.19-67.0-log
    [INFO] Web Server: Apache/2.4.41
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.55.1; OpenSSL/1.0.2l
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-db155e-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /kunden/XXX/logs/backwpup/backwpup_log_6f6a57_2020-07-01_03-00-09.html
    [INFO] Backup file is: /kunden/XXX/backup/backwpup_CXNRKXUN09_96af72bffe0d9_0_2020-07-01_03-00-09.tar

    [01-Jul-2020 03:02:02] Archiving Folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/gallery/XXX-2016/
    [01-Jul-2020 03:03:06] ERROR: Signal “SIGXCPU” (CPU time limit exceeded) is sent to script!
    [01-Jul-2020 03:03:07] Restart after 178 seconds.
    [01-Jul-2020 03:03:10] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
    [01-Jul-2020 03:03:10] Archiving Folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/gallery/XXX-2016/
    [01-Jul-2020 03:03:21] Archiving Folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/gallery/XXX-2016/thumbs/

    [01-Jul-2020 03:15:16] Archiving Folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/
    [01-Jul-2020 03:15:16] ERROR: Signal “SIGXCPU” (CPU time limit exceeded) is sent to script!
    [01-Jul-2020 03:15:17] Restart after 413 seconds.
    [01-Jul-2020 03:15:19] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [01-Jul-2020 03:15:19] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 910 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

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  • Plugin Support happyAnt


    BackWPup maximum script execution time: 0 seconds

    Please help me increase the script execution time to about 20 seconds ( BackWPup -> Settings -> Jobs, set Maximum Script Execution Time -> 20 secs)
    Then run the job again.
    Hope that helps ^ ^

    Thread Starter blueicehaller


    “0 means no maximum” which caused the Error, right?

    What about using these values?
    a) Skriptlaufzeit: 180 Sekunden (script run time: 180 seconds) I can read in the Provider UI
    b) debug info: Maximum execution time: 120 seconds

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by blueicehaller.
    Thread Starter blueicehaller


    120 seconds created an 367 MB archive and ended with 5 Errors and 2 Warnings.

    [13-Jul-2020 19:09:43] ERROR: Signal "SIGXCPU" (CPU time limit exceeded) is sent to script!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:11:16] ERROR: Signal "SIGXCPU" (CPU time limit exceeded) is sent to script!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:22:22] WARNING: File name "wp-content/uploads/2008/05/...-232x300.jpg" is too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:22:35] WARNING: File name "wp-content/uploads/2008/05/...-150x150.jpg" is too long to be saved correctly in TarGz archive!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:22:39] Archiving Folder: /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/
    [13-Jul-2020 19:23:02] ERROR: Signal "SIGXCPU" (CPU time limit exceeded) is sent to script!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:23:03] Restart after 113 seconds.
    [13-Jul-2020 19:23:04] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [13-Jul-2020 19:23:05] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 991 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

    20 seconds created an 2 GiB archive and ended with 8 Errors and 6 Warnings:

    [13-Jul-2020 20:20:12] ERROR: If /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/image423596-270x270.jpg will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each.
    [13-Jul-2020 20:20:13] ERROR: Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:04:39] ERROR: If /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Foto-2-230x230.jpg will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:04:39] ERROR: Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:48:50] ERROR: If /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Foto-2-230x230.jpg will be added to your backup archive, the archive will be too large for operations with this PHP Version. You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:48:50] ERROR: Cannot create backup archive correctly. Aborting creation.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:48:50] Restart after 7 seconds.
    [13-Jul-2020 21:48:51] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
    [13-Jul-2020 21:48:51] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 8063 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

    “You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each.”
    I will try to include only the current and maybe the last year.
    Also I will search for big files.

    Please tell me why the “Backup uploads folder” /kunden/XXX/webseiten/wordpress2012/wp-content/uploads is not sorted?

    Plugin Support happyAnt



    You might want to consider splitting the backup job in multiple jobs with less files each.

    Ah so you are running PHP 32bit, the 32bit version of PHP is only a support file less than 2gb, that why the error shows up.

    Please contact your hoster and tell them to upgrade your PHP to 64bit, there is no side effect switch from 32bit to 64bit and they should do this for you, in case they don’t, well, its time to run away from them, its 2020 and the host still running PHP 32bit?

    Plugin Support happyAnt



    I think the issue can be marked as resolved now ??
    But if you still have any issues, please let me know!

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