I can run DB only OK (One click backup OR job), but Files + DB always seems to fail/have errors. I have read thru the comments here and have emailed 2 support requests (unanswered). I don’t know why I would want to upgrade to Pro if I can’t get the basic plugin working reliably. And thanks for the def of SIGTERM, but I had already guessed it.
My results:
Job 1
03-30_18-34-51.zip (1.64 GB on SG Server, 1.76 GB downloaded). It had errors:
ERROR: Signal “SIGTERM” is sent to script!
[30-Mar-2016 18:38:11] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
[30-Mar-2016 18:38:11] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 200 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.
The downloaded zip file opens and appeared to be normal, contained 6228 files and folders, but Zip has Fatal error: 693 when trying to unzip any files.
Job 2 had Gateway Timeout: The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.
=Reinstalled BackWPup plugin=
Job 3 had another Gateway Timeout, restarted, ended with ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 962 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution. Zip file created (1.79 GB downloaded) backwpup_356e5d_2016-03-30_19-23-49.zip, 6317 files. Zip file opened and unzipped without error.
Not sure if I can trust the validity of a backup that ended with errors (# files).