Dude. I don’t have customers. I’ve made this plugin for myself and have posted it here in case it’s useful for anyone else, and with over 600 active installs and only a handful of bug reports, I’d say the world is a slightly better place because of it. You have not in any way paid me to make the plugin work for you, are can’t make any kind of demands or expect any kind of service from me. I’m a normal guy, just like you, with my own life to lead, and fixing bugs that don’t affect me and that I can’t easily debug because it works on all systems I test it on is pretty far down my priority list.
Wordpress is a complex system, and it’s entirely possible that certain plugins can interfere with other plugins. There’s not necessarily anything I can do about that, nor can I test my plugin with 100,000 other plugins to make sure. Furthermore, what some webhosts might decide to do (e.g. block outgoing connections unrelated to serving the website they host, either to save bandwith or to prevent illegal file sharing) is completely out of my hands.
If you don’t have anything more constructive to add (my question from a few posts ago is still unanswered), I don’t really have anything more to add.