• Resolved codenest


    On the test mode(I cannot test it live with this error). When I’m trying to make a payment with Google pay, I receive this error message PaymentDataRequest.transactionInfo.totalPrice should match regex “[0-9]*(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?

    Can you help me with solving the problem?

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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @codenest,

    Do you have a website url that you can share? It looks like what’s happening is the shopping cart total is exceeding the number of decimals that GPay can accept.

    How many decimals do you have configured in your WC Settings?

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter codenest


    Thank you for the reply! Undfortunately I cannot share the link.

    In Wc-settings I have 4 in the Number of decimals field. But I have heavy customized Woocommerce, so maybe a better question is what is the correct value?

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @codenest,

    The correct value for the number of decimals is 2 or less. I am going to add a code enforcement for that in the next release.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter codenest


    Thank you!

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