• Fabio G


    innanzitutto complimenti per il plugin, davvero ben fatto!

    Ho un solo problema, nelle impostazioni ho filtrato gli articoli in modo che nella pagina Blog del template compaiano direttamente quelli di default (in italiano) anzichè in inglese, ma quando passo al menu inglese e seleziono la pagina Blog, sopra al titolo di ogni articolo mi compare questo messaggio di errore:

    Warning: join(): Invalid arguments passed in D:\PROGRAMMI\EasyPHP-12.1\www\sito\wp-content\plugins\ceceppa-multilingua\functions.php on line 204

    Puoi aiutarmi?


Viewing 7 replies - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
  • Plugin Author Alessandro Senese


    If you want short month name you have to use “M” not “F”…

    Peter Machalski


    I changed and is almost same ??
    the problem appears not to be date format just that its double

    Nov 10, 2013
    Nov 10, 2013

    Before u added the translation for dates the theme was changing format for headers itself.

    Peter Machalski


    I dont know what happend but now after last update i just can;t chose any other language of my page then english

    Language of this page: I chose second language i save and it refresh as a first language

    Plugin Author Alessandro Senese


    For the problem of dates I’ll add an option for disable the translation via plugin…
    For second I’m investigating…

    Peter Machalski



    Im thinking that the second could be related to the post open during changing of plugin as the new post are able to change language

    Plugin Author Alessandro Senese


    I sent email to you with development version of my plugin…

    Peter Machalski


    ok so now after updating to 1.42 i have following issue.
    english and polish are set up for F j, Y.
    when i read in english then everything is ok the theme is changing november to nov but in polish i still have 2x full date.
    I think that could be some syntax problem that it showing the date double not once on the translation.

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